tional aspect, as may be seen from the following" table of the electoral vote of 1800:
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Thomas Jefferson.
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John Adams.
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New Hampshire
Rhode Island Connecticut
New York . . ...
New Jersey .
Maryland .
North Carolina . ....
South Carolina Georgia
Total .
The vote of New England was a unit, 39 for the Federalists. The vote of the South was nearly a unit, 48 for the Republicans and 4 for the Federalists. The vote of the Middle States was nearly equally divided, 25 for the Republicans, 22 for the Federalists. Of the Republican majority of 8 votes, the West furnished 7. What was known in that day as "the West, " embraced the ceded country between the Alleghanies and the Mississippi river. In this country were two States. Kentucky had been made a State by consent of Virginia in 1792, and Tennessee, ceded by North Carolina in 1790, had been admitted by Congress in 1796, being the first State erected out of Federal territory. The rest of this country was still in territorial apprenticeship, but Ohio was approaching statehood and other territories were growing rapidly. A strong bond of sympathy, social and political, bound the Western people to their parent States, while Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia felt motherly pride in their Western daughters.