acquisition of Texas by peaceful means, one of the most ardent States in favor of annexation, Tennessee, gave him her thirteen electoral votes over her own fellow-citizen. This election showed that parties were not yet divided completely on the geographical line of slavery. One point was clear. Annexation was the wish of the majority.
It remained only to put the expressed wish of the nation into execution. The 28th Congress convened in its second session, December 2, 1844, and at once entered on the work. President Tyler, in an able message, placed the subject before the two houses and urged that the will of the people should be speedily carried out. Resolutions for annexation were introduced into the House by Mr. Douglass, of Illinois, Mr. C. J. Ingersoll, of Pennsylvania, Mr. Weller, of Ohio, Mr. Tibbatts, of Kentucky, and others; and in the Senate by Mr. Benton and others. These resolutions differed from each other in the measures proposed to accomplish the purpose. In the House, the resolution of Mr. Ingersoll, amended so as to exclude from slavery all territory north of 36 30, and further amended, was finally adopted January 25, 1845, by a vote of 120 to 97.
In the Senate, Mr. Benton and others adhered to the Benton resolution and refused to concur with the House. Finally a compromise was effected by adding Mr. Benton’s resolution to that of the House as an amendment. In this form the measure passed the Senate by a vote of 27 to 25, and was concurred in by the House February 28th by an increased majority, the vote being 132 to 76. President Tyler approved the bill and decided, without awaiting the inauguration of the incoming President, to proceed at once to execute the authority conferred by Congress. On the last day of his term of office he sent a messenger with the official documents tendering to Texas the consent of the United States to her annexation as a State of the Union.