he served during the Atlanta campaign. Then, being promoted to brigadier-general, he commanded a brigade of cavalry, and General Wheeler, in reporting the Tennessee campaign tinder Hood, mentions Robertson among the officers to whom he gives special thanks for bravery and fidelity. As Sherman marched through Georgia, General Robertson was one of the ablest lieutenants of Wheeler in harassing the Federals and frequently defeating their raiding parties. He was reported as wounded in a fight, November 28th. In General Wheeler s last report, March, 1865, he mentioned General Robertson as one of his generals still disabled from wounds. After the close of the war General Robertson made his home at Austin, Tex.
Brigadier-General Jerome B. Robertson was born in Woodford county, Ky. At the age of twelve, being left an orphan without means, he was bound out for the period of his minority; but by industry and economy he purchased his liberty at eighteen years. Prior to that event he had enjoyed only three months regular schooling. As soon as he had made sufficient advancement, he began the study of medicine, but scarcely had completed his course when, prompted by an ardent love for liberty, he left his Kentucky home, in 1835, to aid the Texans in their struggle for freedom. The battle of San Jacinto was fought before he reached the Texas forces, but he was there in time to join in the pursuit of the remnant of the Mexican army, not halting until the enemy had crossed the Rio Grande. He was promoted to the rank of captain, which he held until the Texas army was furloughed in June, 1837. He then settled in Washington county, Tex., and engaged in the practice of medicine. On account of the hostilities of the Indians he again went to the field, at the head of a regiment, and helped to bring the savages to terms. He was an active participant in all the stirring events that occurred from the independ-