army of Tennessee. These magnificent batteries are recorded on the muster-roll of Florida's defenders as Abel's, Gamble's, Dunham's, and Martin's.
Revolutions develop the high qualities of the good and the great, and Florida's loyal citizens proved their greatness when the alarm of war was given and the clash of arms resounded throughout the land. Never has there been recorded a more prompt and unselfish spirit on the part of any people. Although the State was sparsely settled and the highest vote ever cast was 12,898, yet in proportion to her population she furnished as large a quota to the Confederate army as her sister States. The South has no prouder record of heroism and patriotic bearing of citizens and soldiers than the beautiful Land of Flowers. In the camps of instruction were gathered all the elements of a chivalrous and dauntless soldiery—brave men and beardless boys who were destined to stand in the front during the four years terrible struggle, and come forth covered with scars, the soldier's badge of honor; others destined to be stricken down by disease and in distant lands find premature graves; and thousands who were to meet death at the cannon's mouth or in loathsome Northern prisons—whose names will be handed down, a glorious heritage of loyalty and patriotism, to be ever honored by a proud and grateful people. Many of the survivors of the cause, made glorious by its baptism of fire and blood and held in sacred loving remembrance, began their career as privates, rose by meritorious conduct to high rank and now occupy prominent places in the history of our State and country. In obedience to the governor's call for troops for immediate service, to be in readiness for action whenever the commanding general at Pensacola should deem it advisable to make an attack, ten volunteer companies reported for duty, two from Alachua county and eight from middle and west Florida. They were ordered to the military rendezvous at Chattahoochee arsenal, which