Georgia. Benjamin H. Hill, First and Second Congresses ; John
W. Lewis, First and Second Congresses ; Herschel V. J ohnson, Sec-
ond Congress.
Kentucky. Henry C. Burnett, First and Second Congresses;
William E. Simms, First and Second Congresses.
Louisiana. Thomas J. Semmes, First and Second Congresses ;
Edward Sparrow, First and Second Congresses.
Mississippi. Albert G. Brown, First and Second Congresses;
James Phelan, First Congress ; J. W. C. Watson, Second Congress.
Missouri. John B. Clark, First Congress ; R. L. Y. Peyton, First
Congress; Waldo P. Johnson, Second Congress; L. M. Louis, Sec-
ond Congress.
North Carolina. William T. Dortch, First and Second Con-
gresses: George Davis, First Congress ; William A. Graham, Second
Congress ; E. G. Reade, Second Congress.
South Carolina. Robert W. Barnwell, First and Second Con-
gresses ; James L. Orr, First and Second Congresses.
Tennessee. Gustavus A. Henry, First and Second Congresses;
Landon C. Haynes, First and Second Congresses.
Texas. Louis T. Wigfall, First and Second Congresses;
Williamson S. Oldham, First and Second Congresses.
Virginia. R. M. T. Hunter, First and Second Congresses ; Wil-
liam Ballard Preston, First Congress; Allen T. Caperton, Second
Speaker (both congresses), Thomas S. Bocock, of Virgin-
ia. Clerk, Robert E. Dixon, of Georgia, First Congress; Clerk,
Albert R. Lamar, of Georgia, Second Congress, and Assistant Clerk
First Congress ; Assistant Clerk, De Louis Dalton ; Assistant Clerk,
Henry C. Loving; Doorkeeper, Robert H. Wynne; Assistant Door-
keeper, John A. Crawford; Assistant Doorkeeper, James A. Patter-
son ; Assistant Doorkeeper.'James T. Jackson ; Assistant Doorkeeper,
George W. Jackson.
Alabama. William P. Chilton, First and Second Congresses;
David Clopton, First and Second Congresses; Williamson R. W.
Cobb, Second Congress ; M. H. Cruikshank, Second Congress; Jabez
L. M. Curry, First Congress ; Edward S. Dargan, First Congress ;
J. S. Dickinson, Second Congress ; Thomas J. Foster, First and
Second Congresses ; Francis S. Lyon, First and Second Congresses ;
James L. Pugh, First and Second Congresses ; John P. Rails, First
Congress ; William R. Smith, First and Second Congresses.
Arkansas. Felix J. Batson, First and Second Congresses; Au-
gustus H. Garland, First Congress ; Ruf us K.,Garland, First and Sec-
ond Congresses ; Thomas B. Hanley, First and Second Congresses ;
Grandison B. Royston, First Congress.
Florida. James B. Dawkins, First Congress; Robert B. Hilton,
First and Second Congresses; John M. Martin, First and Second
Congresses ; St. George Rogers, First and Second Congresses ; J. P.
Sanderson, First and Second Congresses ; George T. Ward, Second
Georgia. Warren Akin, Second Congress; Clifford Anderson,
First and Second Congresses; H. P. Bell, First and Second Con-
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