John G., colonel; James, Lemuel, lieutenant-colonel; Shipley, James S., major.
Sixty-first Infantry regiment (formed from Seventh battalion): Groner, Virginius D., colonel; McAlpine, Charles R., major; Niemeyer, William F., lieutenant-colonel; Stewart, William H., major, lieutenant-colonel; Wilson, Samuel M., colonel.
Sixty-second Mounted Infantry regiment (also called First Virginia Partisan Rangers): Doyle, Robert L., lieutenant-colonel; Hall, Houston, major; Imboden, George W., major; Lang, David B., major, lieutenant-colonel; Smith, George H., colonel: Imboden, John D., colonel.
Sixty-third Infantry regiment: Dunn, David C., lieutenant-colonel; French, James M., major, colonel; Lynch, Connally H., lieutenant-colonel; McMahon, John J., colonel.
Sixty-fourth Mounted Infantry regiment (formed from Twenty-first [Pound Gap] battalion): Gray, Harvey, major; Pridemore, Auburn L., lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Richmond, James B., major, lieutenant-colonel; Slemp, Campbell, colonel.
Sixty-fourth Militia regiment: Dillard, John L., colonel.
Sixty-seventh Militia regiment: Cunningham, John P., major; Robinson, Israel, lieutenant-colonel; Sencendiver, Jacob, colonel.
Seventy-seventh Militia regiment: McDonald, Edward H., colonel; Simms, Gilmore F., lieutenant-colonel; Smith, Abraham, major; Vandiver, Joseph L., major.
Eighty-second Militia regiment: Blankenbeker, E. Finks, major; Carpenter, Simeon, lieutenant-colonel; Troyman, James W., colonel.
Eighty-fourth Militia regiment: Dennis, Thomas C., colonel.
Eighty-seventh Militia regiment: Gresham, Thomas Robert, colonel; Saunders, William A., major.
Eighty-eighth Militia regiment: Antrim, C. W., major; Carver, D. C., lieutenant-colonel; McKennie, M., colonel.
Eighty-ninth Militia regiment: Davison, Samuel, major; Flagg, John S., lieutenant-colonel; Johnston, Samuel, colonel; Rider, E. C., major.
Ninty-first Militia regiment: Crenshaw, John B., major.
One Hundred and Eighth Militia regiment: Rowan, John M., colonel.
One Hundred and Ninth Militia regiment: Jones, E. P., colonel.
One Hundred and Tenth Militia regiment: Lavender, J. G., major.
One Hundred and Fourteenth Militia regiment: Monroe, Alexander, colonel.
One Hundred and Fifteenth Militia regiment: Mallory, Charles K., colonel; Smith, M. B., major; Wray, George, major.
One Hundred and Twenty-first Militia regiment: Sperry, J. G., colonel.
One Hundred and Twenty-second Militia regiment: Dearmont, W., colonel.
One Hundred and Fifty-sixth Militia regiment: Adams, T. C., major; Bennett, Thomas P., colonel; Ross, D. Lee, lieutenant-colonel; Taylor, James A., major.
One Hundred and Fifty-seventh Militia regiment: Terril, George P., colonel.
One Hundred and Sixty-second Militia regiment: Fleisher, H. H., lieutenant-colonel; Abbitt, Wyatt, colonel.