Richmond, comprising artillery and reserve infantry, under Lieutenant-General Ewell. He served at Chaffin's farm until the evacuation of Richmond, and then joined in the retreat of Custis Lee's command, as far as Sailor's creek, where he was captured April 6, 1865. Since the war General Barton has made his home at Fredericksburg, Va.
Brigadier-General Richard L. T. Beale was born at Hickory Hill, Westmoreland county, Va., May 22, 1819, and was educated at Northumberland academy and Dickinson college. Pa. Then taking up the study of law, he was graduated by the law department of the university of Virginia in 1838. Subsequently he was engaged in the practice of his profession and attained prominence in the political field. From 1847 until 1849 he represented his district in Congress, to which he declined re-election. He was a delegate to the State reform convention in 1850, and was elected to the State senate in 1857. Upon the secession of Virginia he enlisted in the cavalry service, and being promoted captain and then major, was put in command at Camp Lee, near Hague, on the lower Potomac, where his intelligence and excellent judgment were of much value. Subsequently he served under Col. W. H. F. Lee, in the Ninth cavalry regiment until Lee was promoted brigadier-general, when he was advanced to the rank of colonel and given command of the regiment. In December, 1862, he attracted attention and much favorable comment by a bold expedition into Rappahannock county, in which the Federal garrison at Leeds was captured, without loss. On April 16, 1863, he won the praise of J. E. B. Stuart for his heroic service in meeting and repelling the threatened raid of Stoneman's cavalry division, and during the renewed movement by Stoneman at the close of the month, he was for a week in almost constant fighting, his regiment everywhere behaving valorously and capturing many prisoners. At the battle of Fleetwood he led the Ninth in the brilliant charge in which Gen. W. H. F. Lee was wounded and Colonel Williams killed. He participated in Stuart's raid through Maryland, fought at Gettysburg, and rendered faithful service in the cavalry affairs during the return to Virginia. During the fight at Culpeper Court House he was in command of W. H. F. Lee's brigade. In March, 1864, having been stationed on the Northern