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Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 3.djvu/655

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of an independent State which could mediate between the North and South and lead in the formation of a new Union, with local rights more clearly defined. Holding the position of captain of the Staunton artillery, a natural leader, and influential among the younger men, he at once took an important part in the action which secured Harper's Ferry to the State. He was called to Richmond a day or two before the ordinance was passed, and with other commanders of volunteer companies, under the leadership of ex-Governor Wise, arranged for a concentration of State forces at Harper's Ferry as soon as the action of the convention could be surely predicted. He called out his company by telegraph, and at sunrise following the momentous day, April 17th, was with his command at Manassas. He and other young and enthusiastic leaders were the forerunners of the spirit which was to dominate Virginia for four years, but at that moment they were coldly received by the majority of the people, not yet aroused. Proceeding to Harper's Ferry, he equipped his battery partly at his private expense, his men making caissons from carts found at the armory. Under the command of Col. T. J. Jackson he was posted at the Potomac bridge at Point of Rocks, and by the order of that afterward famous commander, captured and sent to Winchester a number of Baltimore & Ohio railroad trains. After the organization of the army in the Valley under General Johnston, he was attached to Bee's brigade, with which the Staunton artillery went into the battle at Manassas, July 21st, 1861. He was just in time to take a good position near the Henry house as the Federal attack fell upon the Confederate flank, and immediately became engaged with the famous batteries of Ricketts and Griffin. For half an hour after the Confederate infantry were driven across Young's branch, Imboden's battery fought alone, finally retiring and taking a new position supported by Stonewall Jackson, where it was in action until the ammunition was exhausted. Subsequently Captain Imboden, Lieut.-Col. Robert B. Lee and Maj. W. L. Cabell constituted a board of investigation, which reported in explanation of the failure to pursue McDowell to Washington that the food and transportation were inadequate. During Jackson's Valley campaign, 1862, Imboden, with a commission as colonel, was engaged in organizing a command at Staunton. In