arrival of Imboden. Then, with half a dozen companies, he made his way through the enemy's lines to his command, and returned with it to participate in the attacks on Kilpatrick at Hagerstown and on Buford at Williamsport. During the campaign, he reported, his brigade fought in three battles and the affair at Boonsboro, and captured over 600 prisoners. Soon afterward an unfortunate break in his relations with General Stuart, which had existed since the fall of 1861, became so intensified as to have serious results. Col. O. R. Funsten was given temporary command of the brigade, and on October 9th General Jones was ordered to report for duty in southwest Virginia. There he organized an excellent cavalry brigade, with which he co-operated with Longstreet in east Tennessee, and in November defeated the enemy near Rogersville. At Saltville, Va., in May, 1864, with Gen. John H. Morgan, he foiled Averell's designs against that post, defeated the Federals at Wytheville, and pursued them to Dublin. On May 23d he was assigned to command of the department of Southwest Virginia in the absence of General Breckinridge. It was at that moment a position of great importance, as the district was in a turmoil on account of the incursions of Averell and Crook and Sigel, and Hunter was preparing to advance on Lynchburg. Early in June three strong columns of the enemy were marching against him, and he made a stand with his own brigade, Imboden's and Vaughn's before Hunter, at Piedmont. In the desperate fight which followed, June 5th, he was killed and his body fell into the hands of the enemy.
Brigadier-General Thomas Jordan was born in Luray valley, Va., September 30, 1819. He was graduated at the United States military academy in 1840, and entered the active service as second lieutenant of the Third infantry, in garrison at Fort Snelling, Minn. Taking part in the Seminole Indian war, he was among those who surprised and captured the chief, "Tiger Tail," near Cedar Keys, in November, 1842. Subsequently he served on frontier duty until 1846, when he was promoted first lieutenant. In the Mexican war he served creditably at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, and being promoted captain and quartermaster in 1847, he remained at Vera Cruz for a year after the war. His services from that