Wofford's, Anderson's and Davis' brigades, in an attack on the flank and rear of Grant's advance, which rolled Hancock's command back in confusion and promised to repeat the victory of Chancellorsville, when Longstreet fell, as Jackson had fallen on the former field. When his division commander was called to fill Longstreet's place, Mahone was given command of Anderson's division, and Longstreet added his voice to that of A. P. Hill in recommending the promotion of the dashing infantry chieftain. As a division commander, though without the official rank, he was distinguished in a successful attack upon Hancock, May 10th, and the severe repulse and almost capture of a portion of Warren's corps on the North Anna. Before Petersburg he brilliantly defended the Weldon railroad, and at the time of the breaking of the Confederates lines by the explosion of a mine, July 30th, he was specially distinguished. Moving promptly with his division to the relief of Gen. Bushrod Johnson's men, he engaged in repeated desperate charges, which finally resulted in the utter repulse and terrible slaughter of the enemy. Here the tardy promotion arrived, he being promoted major-general on the field by General Lee, which was promptly confirmed by the President and Congress. Of Mahone's part in the battle of the Crater, Col. W. H. Stuart, of the Sixty-first Virginia, has said: "The whole movement was under his immediate and personal direction, and to him, above all, save the brave men who bore the muskets, belong the honor and credit of recapturing the Confederate lines." To the last he held his men together in a remarkably spirited and unified organization, which was inspired with a strong esprit du corps, and distinguished for readiness to take all chances in either defense or assault. He surrendered at Appomattox, and returned to the railroad management from which he had been called four years before. Becoming president of the two lines extending from Petersburg to Bristol, Tenn., he consolidated the three companies into the Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio railroad company, which he managed until the financial crisis of 1873, when a foreign combination gained control and the system became known later as the Norfolk & Western. Though defeated in this great enterprise he managed that upon the sale of the lines $500,000 was paid to the State of Virginia for her claim, the whole amount of
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