Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/139

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This regiment was organized in Montgomery, September 16, 1861. Its first service was at Mobile. It was in the campaign in Kentucky, under Gen. Kirby Smith; then was sent to Mississippi; fought with great gallantry and sustained severe loss at Port Gibson, May 1, 1863, and Champion's Hill, or Baker's Creek, May 16th; was distinguished for bravery in the siege of Vicksburg, and surrendered with that fortress. After being exchanged the regiment joined Bragg and fought with great gallantry at Missionary Ridge, and, during the campaign of 1864, took part in nearly all the battles from Dalton to Atlanta. It suffered severely at Rocky Face, May 5-9, 1864; Kenesaw, June 27th, and Jonesboro, August 31st and September 1st; but with unabated courage fought at Nashville, December 15 and 16, 1864; at Kinston, N.C., March 4, 1865, and at Bentonville, March 19th to 21st.

Its field officers were Cols. Isham W. Garrott, who was promoted brigadier-general and killed at Vicksburg, June 17, 1863; Robert T. Jones, who was transferred to the Twelfth Alabama and killed at the battle of Seven Pines; Edmund W. Pettus, who was promoted brigadier-general and afterward became United States senator; Charles D. Anderson and James M. Dedman. Its lieutenant-colonels were Mitchell T. Porter, and John W. Davis, who was wounded at Rocky Face and at Marietta. Its majors were Alfred S. Pickering, killed at Port Gibson, and John G. Harris. Capt. Jack Ayres, a gallant officer of the regiment, was killed at Jonesboro.


Vol. VI—(772) Aggregate present, 836, December 2, 1861, district of Alabama, Gen. J. M. Withers commanding. (819) Army of Mobile, General Withers; department of Alabama and Florida, General Bragg; Mobile, February 1, 1862. (894) Bragg dispatches war department that regiment is on way to Knoxville, February 18, 1862.

Vol. XVI, Part 2—(715) In Barton's brigade, depart-