Lee's Cross Rds., Ga., May 2. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 4.— Federal, total loss 32.
Alabama troops, parts of 8th, roth Conf. Cav.
Chickamauga Cr., Ga., May 3. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 7.— Federal, total loss 65.
Alabama troops, parts of rst, 8th, roth Conf. Cav.
Red Clay, Ga., May 3. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 1.—Federal, total loss 15.
Alabama troops, parts of Ist, 8th, roth Conf. Cav.
Varnell Rd., Ga., May 4. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total logs 5.—Fed- eral, total loss 80.
Alabama troops, parts of;rst, 3d, 8th Conf. and 53d Cav.
Near Tunnel Hill, Ga., May 5. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 14.— Federal, total loss 120.
Alabama troops, parts of rst, 3d, 8th, roth Conf. Cav.
Tunnel Hill, Ga., May 6 Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 19.—Fed- eral, total loss 55.
Alabama troops, parts of rst, 3d, 8th, roth Conf. Cav.
Tunnel Hill, Ga., May 7. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 22.—Fed- eral, total loss 80.
Alabama troops, parts of rst, 3d, 8th, roth Conf. Cav.
Ridge, Ga., May 7. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 13.—Federal, total loss 55.
Alabama troops, parts of rst, 3d, 8th, roth Conf. Cav.
Dug Gap, Ga., May 8. Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 30.—Federal, total loss 450.
Alabama troops, parts of rst, 3d, Sth, roth Conf. Cav.
Cleveland Rd., Ga., May 8 Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 2.— Federal, total loss 26,
Alabam a troops, parts of rst, 8th Conf., and 53d Cav., and Snod- , ttn.
Buzzard Roost Gap, Ga., May 8 Gen. Pettus. — Federal, Gen. Howard, 4th corps.
Alabama troops, 2oth, 23d, goth, 21st, 46th Inf.
Rocky Face Ridge, Tunnel Hill, Mill Cr. Gap, Buzzard - Roost, Snake Cr., and near Dalton, May 9. Gen. Johnston, 43,000; total loss 600.—Federal, Gen. Sherman, 98,797; loss 200 k, 637 w.
Alabama troops, 16th, 2oth, 3oth, 36th, 37th, goth i
Resaca, Ga., May 9. Gen. Canty.
Alabama troops, Canty's brigade.
Railroad, Ga., May 9. Gen. Wheeler; total loss 3.—Federal, total loss 22.
Alabama troo; troops, parts of rst, 3d, 8th Conf., and 53d, and Snod- gtass’ Battn, In:
Near Varnell’s, Ga., May 9. Gen. Wheeler; total loss 36.—Federal, Gen. La Grange; "loss 100 m; total loss 260,
Alabama troops, parts of’ 1st, 8th Conf., 53d, and Snodgrass’ Battn. Inf.
Mill Cr. Gap, | oy Ma a Gen. Bates.
Cleveland tr, Gen. Jos. Wheeler; total loss 7.— Federal, Gen, Sener; total loss 40.
Alabama troops, parts of 3d, 8th Conf, and 53d.