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Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/431

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Hon. Daniel Hoke, also of Lincoln county. Young Forney, after going through his preparatory course, was appointed to the United States military academy in 1848, and in 1852 was graduated as brevet second lieutenant in the Seventh infantry. He served in garrison in Kentucky and on frontier duty in Indian Territory and accompanied Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston on the expedition to Salt Lake in 1858. In i860 he was first lieutenant and instructor of tactics at West Point. Foreseeing the coming struggle between the North and the South, he resigned in December, 1860, and, going to Montgomery, offered his services to Governor Moore. He was commissioned colonel of artillery in the State forces and sent to take command at Pensacola. On March 16, 1861, he was promoted to captain in the regular army of the Confederacy and made a staff officer by General Bragg. When the Tenth Alabama was organized he was appointed as its colonel, and commissioned June 4, 1861. The regiment proceeded to Virginia and was assigned to the brigade of Gen. Kirby Smith, of which Colonel Forney was in command for three months after First Manassas. At Dranesville, where he was again in command of his regiment, he was severely wounded in the arm. On March 10, 1862, he was commissioned brigadier-general, and on October 27th of the same year was promoted to major-general, and soon after assigned to the department of South Alabama and West Florida. After being in Mobile a year on this duty, he was sent to Vicksburg, where he commanded a division before and during the siege. After his exchange he was transferred to the department of the Trans-Mississippi, where he commanded a division under General Magruder. He remained in this position, performing every duty with the fidelity and zeal for which he was distinguished, until the final surrender in 1865. The battles in which he was engaged proved him a capable officer, cool and undaunted in danger, and skillful in the handling of his men. After the end of the war he