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Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/508

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ammunition, gave the enemy the bayonet; and the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Mississippi, under Colonel Featherston and Lieut.-Col. T. M. Griffin, drove the foe, fighting desperately, back to Ball's Bluff on the river, where the main body surrendered, only a fragment of the imposing invasion escaping down the steep banks and over the river.

It will be interesting to read here the report of Lieutenant-Colonel Griffin, in which he mentioned the conduct of his men: "They did their whole duty. Captains Jayne, Hann, Singleton, Brown, Hill, and Lieutenant Day, in command of the McClung Rifles, who composed the right wing, behaved most gallantly. Adjutant S. T. Nicholson and Serg.-Maj. O. E. Stuart were active in the performance of their duties. Lieutenant Bostick, of the Hamer Rifles, was seriously wounded while charging with his company on the enemy's battery. Capt. A. P. Hill received a wound while gallantly leading his company in the charge. Captain Welborn received a wound in the neck; Lieutenant Fearn, of the Burt Rifles, was seriously wounded. Captains Luse and Kearney were deployed to the left of the enemy's battery, under the command of Major Henry. This detachment was joined by the companies of Captains Welborn and Campbell, and Captain Fletcher’s company of the Thirteenth regiment, who rendered most efficient service. Captain Kearney’s company was afterward sent to reinforce the right, and ably assisted to bring about the rout and capture of the enemy. Major Henry, who commanded on the left, dis. played the utmost coolness in handling the men under his charge. Captain Jayne and Lieutenant Day, of the McClung rifles, were thrown forward on the right flank during the last charge, with their companies, and contributed much to the capture of the enemy at the river bank. There were many instances of individual heroism which I have not space to particularize. The Federal force fought well. A number were killed with the bay-