stantly under fire, driving the enemy slowly from hill to hill." The Fourth, under Major Adair, shared in this gallant service, and finally, after repulsing a strong attack of the enemy, was ordered back when ammunition was exhausted.
In his report of the service of the Twentieth, Major Brown gives special mention to Lieut. R. W. Paine, who was killed; Capt. D. T. Patterson, wounded; Lieut. O, R. Eastlake, who fell badly wounded, but refused to be carried from the field, crying, "Never mind me, boys, fight on;" Lieut. J. H. Barber, wounded; Capt. W. A. Rorer; Lieut. W. R. Nelson, commanding Company G; Lieuts. T. B. Sykes, Conway, Murff, Roberts, W. S. Champlin commanding Company E, and Lieutenant Harrison.
The Fourteenth, fighting in the early part of the day on the Wynn's Ferry road, was especially distinguished in the afternoon when, upon the fatal order from Pillow to fall back, it took part in the long and desperate struggle against the Federal assault, which finally closed in the enemy’s repulse.
Following this creditable battle, in which the enemy were for the time really defeated and a way opened for the withdrawal of the army, the generals in command, Floyd, Pillow and Buckner, decided to surrender, and the two first named departed, leaving Buckner to bear the humiliation.
At 1 o’clock Sunday morning, Major Brown, sent for to report to General Floyd, was told by that officer that it had been determined to surrender, but he would not do so and would "cut his way out." This Floyd accomplished by posting the Twentieth Mississippi to guard the landing while he embarked the Virginians of his command. "The news of the surrender spreading through the camp," reported Major Brown, "caused many to flock to the river, almost panic-stricken and frantic to make good their escape by getting aboard. In all this