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Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/526

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Chalmers' men had an important part to perform. Right well did they meet all expectations. They were soon in the front line, the Mississippians ranging from the right as follows: Tenth, Col. R. A. Smith; Seventh, Lieut.-Col. H. Mayson; Ninth, Lieut.-Col. W. A. Rankin; Fifth, Col. A. E. Fant. Meeting the enemy, there was heavy firing, after which the order to charge bayonets was given (Chalmers reported) and the Tenth Mississippi, about 360 strong, led by its gallant colonel, dashed up the hill and put to flight the Eighteenth Wisconsin, numbering nearly a thousand men. It was quickly followed by the Ninth and Seventh Mississippi, when the whole line of the enemy broke and fled, pursued by these three regiments through their camps and across a ravine about half a mile to the opposite hill, where they were halted by order of General Johnston. Later, Chalmers renewed the attack; his right resting on Lick creek bottom, and skirmishers were thrown out under Major Whitfield of the Ninth. With irresistible gallantry Chalmers drove the enemy by hard fighting from two strong positions on the Hamburg road, until he had nearly reached Pittsburg Landing and encountered the fire of the enemy's gunboats. Then, turning toward the center of the line of battle, he struck the flank of Prentiss' gallant division, which now, about four o'clock in the evening, raised the white flag. Says Chalmers: "A number of the enemy surrendered to the Ninth Mississippi, which was then some distance in advance of any other Confederate troops. The colonel of the Fourteenth Iowa surrendered to Maj. F. E. Whitfield, and the colonel of the Eighteenth Missouri to Lieut. Donald McKenzie, Company K."

General Bragg then gave the order to drive the enemy into the river, and Chalmers' brigade engaged in its sixth fight of the day, and made a gallant effort, but the enemy were strongly posted, and aided by the fire from the