Page:Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 7.djvu/81

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Wood, Pensacola, August 8, 1861, to L. P. Walker, secretary of war.

Vol. II—(470) Assigned to General Bee's brigade, Gen. Joseph E. Johnston's division, army of the Shenandoah, June 30, 1861. (473, 474) Mentioned in General Johnston's report of the operations of the army of Shenandoah and Potomac, May 23d-July 22d. (487-495) Several mentions in General Beauregard's report of same operations. He says: "The Fourth Alabama also suffered severely from the deadly fire of the thousands of muskets which they so dauntlessly confronted under the immediate leadership of Bee himself. Its brave colonel (E. J. Jones) was dangerously wounded and many gallant officers fell, slain or hors de combat. . . . It was now that General Johnston impressively and gallantly charged to the front with the colors of the Fourth Alabama by his side, all the field officers of the regiment having been previously disabled. The brave Bee was mortally wounded at the head of the Fourth Alabama." (569) In the list of troops engaged in the battle of Manassas, sent in by Col. Thomas Rhett. (570) 40 men killed and 157 wounded at Manassas. (836) Fourth Alabama sent to Stonewall Jackson, Richmond, May 12, 1861. [Letter of General Lee, May 12, 1861.] (861) At Harper's Ferry, May 21, 1861.

Vol. V—(648) Mentioned by Col. George D. Wills, First Massachusetts. (1030) In Potomac district. General Beauregard, Whiting's brigade, January, 1862.

Vol. IX—(379) General McClellan, U. S. A., informs General Burnside that troops are moving from Richmond to North Carolina, March 25, 1862.

Vol. XI, Part 1—(994) Mentioned in General Smith's report of battle of Seven Pines. (1076) Capt G. B. Mastin killed at battle of Seven Pines.

Vol. XI, Part 2—(483) In Whiting's division, Jackson's corps, brigade commanded by its colonel, E. M. Law. (503) 25 killed and 113 wounded in fights before Richmond, June 26-July 1, 1862. (563-567) Highly commended in Gen. W. H. C. Whiting's report of battle around Richmond. General Whiting says: "Lieut.-Col. O. K. McLemore, Fourth Alabama, received a painful wound early in action, the command devolving on Capt. L. H. Scruggs, who conducted the regiment through." Casualties: 22 killed, 108 wounded at Gaines' Mill, and