Page:Confederate Veteran volume 14.djvu/376

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346 Qoi^J-ederat^ l/eterai). to the failure of the Division to hold a reunion convention for 1905. By Special Orders, No. 20, June i, 1906. Andrew M. Sea, Jr., of Louisville, was appointed Commander of the Ken- tucky Division to succeed Neville S. Bullitt, who resigned owing to pressure of business duties. The election of J. M. Tisdal as Commander of the Trans- Mississippi Department left a vacancy in the position of Commander of the Texas Division. To this place Comrade J. S. Hilliard, of Tyler, has been appointed by Special Or- ders, No. 21, June 14, 1906.

Owing to demands upon his time by a large law practice and by the advanced age of his father. Comrade E. Fontaine Broun has resigned as Commander of the West Virginia Division. To the vacancy Comrade Charles Cameron Lewis, of Charleston, has been appointed by Special Orders, No. 22, June 22, 1906. St.FF of COMII.^NDER IN ChIEF FOR I906-07. By General Orders, No. lo. dated June I, 1906, the Com- mander in Chief announced the following staff appointments to rank from April 27, 1966 — viz. : Inspector General, Will T. Sheehan, Montgomery, Ala. Quartermaster General. Richard G. Banks, Montgomery, Ala. Commissary General, Leroy S. Boyd, Washington, D. C. Judge Advocate General, John A. Collinsworth, Humboldt, Tenn. Surgeon General, C. Hamilton, M.D.. Rome, Ga. Chaplain General, Rev. J. W. Caldwell, Jr., New Orleans. Assistant Adjutants General : B. A. Taylor, Montgomery, Ala. ; L. E. Quinn, Lockesburg, Ark. ; Daniel J. Gantt, Wash- ington, D. C. ; A. Duncan Kent, Savannah, Ga. ; R. L. Ream, Wapanucka, Ind. T. : Robert S. Omberg, Louisville, Ky. ; William L. Wooten, New Orleans. La. ; Harry Gilmor, Bal- timore, Md. ; Robert Lewis, Woodville, Miss. ; Clyde E. Tuck, Springfield, Mo.; Louis F. Sloan, Charleston, S. C. ; L. M. De Saussure, Memphis, Tenn.; George S. Valliant. Texar- kana, Tex.; John Baker White, Charleston, W. Va. ; W. R. Kivett, Boise, Idaho. Assistant Inspectors General : Harry G. McNeer, Mont- gomery, Ala. ; Wallace Streater, Washington, D. C. ; Robert C. Alston, Atlanta, Ga. ; Erret Dunlap, Ardmore, Ind. T. ; Sam W. Bedford, Owensboro, Ky. ; R. A. Tichenor, New Orleans, La.; Ward B. Coe, Baltimore, Md. ; P. S. George, Greenwood, Miss.; William D. Grimes, Washington, N. C. ; Iredell Jones, Columbia, S. C. ; J. W. Lillard, Decatur, Tenn. ; T. W. Anderson, Justin, Tex. ; Hill Beasley. Petersburg, Va. ; Herbert Fitzpatrick, Huntington, W. Va. ; Frank Walker, 1415 Hyde Street, San Francisco, Cal. Assistant Quartermasters General : Harry T. Becket, Mo- bile, Ala. ; Paul McKennon, Clarksville, Ark. ; Frank R. Fravel, Washington, D. C. : Marion Dunwoody, Macon, Ga. ; E. S. Ratliffe, Stonewall, Ind. T. ; G. B. Bingham, Cadiz, Ky. ; Allen Z. McChesney, New Orleans, La. ; James S. Whed- bee, Baltimore, Md. ; Ewing Cockrell, Warrensburg, Mo. ; John W. Stovall, Stovall, Miss. ; John C. Spivey, Conway, S. C. ; R. Henry Lake, Memphis, Tenn. ; W. D. Williams, Fort Worth, Tex.; I". Stanley Hall, Manchester, Va. ; Thomas Moore, Charlestown, W. Va. Assistant Commissaries General : E. W. Wadsworth, Wads- worth, Ala. ; G. J. Pillow, Washington, D. C. ; E. N. Martin. Summerville, Ga. ; James Trimble, Ashland, Ky. ; R. E. L. shall, Baltimore, Md. ; W. A. Martin, Meridian, Miss.; R. A. Doyle, East Prairie, Mo. ; Thomas Barber, Jr., Winslon- Salcm, N. C; W. L. Reeves, Wills Point, Tex.; J. Lewis Lawrence, Christiansburg, Va. ; A. D. Smith, Jr., Fayetteville, W. Va. ; J. B. Johnson, Chicago, 111. Assistant Judge Advocates General : O. D. Street, Gunters- ville, Ala.; Edwin W. Kerr, Jr., Washington, D. C. ; A. P. Wright, Washington, Ga. ; J. B. Wickliffe, Wickliffe, Ky. : Fred C. Marsh. New York Life Insurance Company, New Orleans, La. ; E. M. Hammond, Baltimore, Md. ; E. N. Scud- der, Vickshurg, Miss. ; Harry B. Hawes, St. Louis, Mo. ; Marshall Delancey Haywood, Raleigh, N. C. ; Clinton M. Felder, Blackville. S. C. ; W. S. Holman, Bay City, Tex.; Frank W. Kellinger, Norfolk, Va. ; W. G. Peterkin, Parkers- burg, W. Va. Assistant Surgeons General : Dr. Henry Dickson, Para- gould, Ark.; Dr. Lewi? J Battle, Washington, D. C. ; Dr. E. W. Warren, Palatka. Fla. ; Dr. W. P. Walker. Norcross. Ga. ; Dr. W. J. Conley, Coalgate, Ind. T. ; Dr. C. W. Ball, Clinton, La.; Dr. H. H. Duke, Louisville, Ky. ; Dr. W. H. Scudder, Mayersville, Miss.; Dr. Floyd Stewart, St. Louis, Mo. ; Dr. C. S. Bobo, Norman, Okla. ; Dr. J. M. Glenn, Jack- son, Tenn.; Dr. J. T. Wig.gins, Rusk, Tex.; Dr. G. N. Har- desty, Berryville, Va. Assistant Chaplains General : Rev. Charles M. Brewer, Montgomery, .'la. ; Rev. Harry W. Pratt, Washington, D. C. ; Rev. V. W. Shields, D.D.. Jacksonville. Fla. ; Rev. M. J. Epting, Savannah, Ga. ; Rev. E. Pendleton Jones, Owensboro, Ky. ; Rev. Louis Tucker, Baton Rouge, La. ; Rev. W. T. Allen, Laurel, Miss.; Rev. W. M. P. Rippey, Norman, Okla.; Rev. J. H. Taylor, Nevada, Tex. ; Rev. R. W. Grizzard, Adams, Va. ; Rev. Charles F. Ghiselin. Shepherdstown, W. Va. ; Rt. Rev. William Hall Moreland, Sacramento, Cal. ; Rev. H. F. Vermillion, Roswell, N. Mex. Aids: H. L. Franklin. Hillsville, Va. ; W. L. Norwood, Mineral Wells, Tex. ; F. E. Myers, Robinson Springs, Ala. ; S. S. Robinson, King William C. H., Va. ; A. W. Gibbs, Hindsville, Ark. ; L. H. Boggs, Jacksonville, Fla. ; G. K. Renaud, New Orleans, La. ; H. B. Trice, Louisa, Va. ; J. H. Hood, Piedmont, Ala. ; J. Lloyd Teaford, Columbus, Ohio ; Z. A. Hall, Driftwood. Tex.; V. B. Hilliard, Marshall, Tex.; W. L. Souther, Powell. Ind. T. ; E. K. Huey, New Orleans, La. ; D. Houston Smith, Oxford. Ala. ; J. G. Morrow, Santa Ana, Cal. ; J. E. Thomas, Lawton, Okla. Committees for 1906-07. Standing committees, required to be named under Section 94 of the constitution of the Confederation, together with certain special committees, have been appointed as follows by General Orders. No. II, June 2, 1906 : Historical Committee: George W. Duncan, Chairman, Au- burn, Ala.; George Petrie, Ph.D., Auburn, Ala.; W. M. Kavanaugh, Little Rock, Ark. ; Thomas R. Raines, Washing- ton, D. C; R. T. McEachern, Jacksonville, Fla.; William F. Jones, Elberton, Ga. ; E. J. Giddings, Ardmore, Ind. T. ; Ed P. Thompson. Jr., Frankfort, Ky. ; W. H. McLellan, New Orleans, La. ; J. Pierce Bruns, Baltimore, Md. ; Dunbar Row- land, Jackson, Miss.; Lee Meriwether, St. Louis, Mo.; D. H. Hill, Raleigh, N. C. : E. T. Bynum, Norman, Okla.; Dr. P. H. Mill, Clemson College, S. C; John H. De Witt, Nashville, Tenn.; Homer D. Wade, Waco, Tex.; R. S. Black... .:n Smith, Berryville. Va. ; Dr. W. L. Fleming, Morgantovvn. W. Va. ; Kay P. Saffold, San Francisco, Cal. Relief Committee: Thomas P. Stone. Chairman. Waco, Tex.; William B. Bankhead, Jasper. Ala.; R. G. Pillow, Lit- I