Page:Confessions of a Thug.djvu/122

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self: you will then see whether I am wrong or not."

"It is well," exclaimed my father; "believe me, my son, I meant not to upbraid you, but I was fearful the feeling you displayed might grow upon you; be kind as you will to those around you, affectionate to your connections; pity the poor, give alms to the needy; but remember that you are a Thug, and have sworn relentless destruction to all those whom Alla may throw in your way."

"I am rebuked," said I, "and your words have sunk into my heart; never more shall you have to say of me that I flinched from my duty. Whenever you think fit I am ready to take the handkerchief." And to turn the subject, I said, "I beg to represent, that Mahomed the Bhuttote promised to tell me some history of the man who died last night, and I call on him to fulfil his word."

"Well spoken!" cried a dozen of the men; "Mahomed is a sure hand at a story, let us have it."

Mahomed, after stuffing a large quantity of pan-leaf and tobacco into his mouth, crunched it several times between his teeth, and after a copious discharge of red saliva, settled himself