Publications by George Redway
The Valley of Sorek: a Novel. By G. M. George. With a Critical Introduction by R. H. Shepherd. Two Vols, crown 8vo, £1. 1s.
Cosmo de' Medici, an Historical Tragedy, and other Poems. By R. H. Horne, Author of "Orion." With engraved Frontispiece, cr. 8vo, 5s.
The Scope and Charm of ANTIQUARIAN STUDY. By John Batty, F.R.H.S., parchment wrapper, 8vo, 1s.
Studies of Sensation and EVENT: Poems. By Ebenezer Jones. New Edition, Edited by R. H. Shepherd. With Memoir by W. J. Linton. Fcap. 8vo, with Portrait, 5s.