was I doing when you dreamt of me last?"
"You were freeing a poor bird which had been caught in a net. And I, Gerard?"
"You were sitting near me, and I was telling you how I love you. Now, let me sit beside you that we may talk. There will be plenty of room if I put my arm so."
"But you are not to put it so, Gerard. There is room without that."
"And why should I not put it so, Stella?"
"What would you say if you heard of Father Paul sitting with his arm round my waist?"
"But I am not Father Paul!"
"No, you are Gerard."
"Therefore ———"
"Therefore, my boy, you may not: you must wait. When I am yours, Gerard, will be time enough. Do you know that your arm feels like a chain round my waist that takes away my liberty? Do not think me unkind, but I love my