English Hachish Eater
"But there is love in Eden even at breakfast, I hope, Adam. Take the peach and cut it, and give yourself some wine. You must be tired."
"How can I be tired, Eve? This is such a wonderful place!"
"Yet I used to be tired sometimes before you came, in spite of this paradise of ours."
"I shall never tire in it with you, Eve."
"Nor I with you, if ———"
"If you always love me, Adam."
"Then, kiss me, and I will love you for ever."
And he passed his arm round her waist, and put his lips again to hers, and with his right hand he laughingly fed her with the luscious fruit which he had peeled and cut.
3. Reality.
The day was fine and warm, and during all its sunny hours Adam and Eve roamed about their Eden, finding new beauties at every step.