an alteration in the appearance of the sprite. He had become stationary in mid-air, and, as I gazed at him, his fat legs began to lengthen downwards towards the earth. They grew rapidly and became apparently hard and sinewy; yet, without any astonishment, I watched the feet descend lower and lower until they were hidden from my sight by the quiet waters beneath me. Then I looked up: the body and face of my guide had not materially increased in size, but the carrot-like proboscis was growing at a wonderful rate, and shooting out new tentacles with great speed and at very frequent intervals. These tentacles were of a bright orange colour, and, in shape, much like attenuated spoons, the bowls being, however, flattened and covered on both sides with round white spots. I was not frightened; but my curiosity seemed to deprive me of my powers of locomotion, and I also became stationary. When the growth ceased, my guide remained swaying on his miraculous legs, like a bulrush in a wayward breeze, and ducking and twisting
Page:Confessions of an English Hachish-Eater (1884).djvu/81