and August Felix had walked by the Millers' closed house that summer, waiting for it to stir and come alive again.
But he never saw it stir and come alive. Felix's father moved his family away from Wallbridge in early September, when the Miller house was still asleep. He moved them to a little town in Vermont where a friend of his, who was a builder and in search of a partner, was running a lively business near a big new industrial plant, necessitating the putting up of a lot of new houses.
Felix's only letter to Sheilah had been written from the little town in Vermont. It hadn't said what he wanted it to. His thoughts about Sheilah were like wild birds soaring high above him, and wouldn't let themselves get caught by words. He opened his copy of the letter now, and read it through.
Dear Sheilah,
We've moved away from Wallbridge. My father has gone into a new business. My new address is Terry, Vermont. I feel just the same, Sheilah, I always will, about you. Even if you did go away without a word. Won't you write to me once in a while? I go toa high-school, ten miles from here, because you said once you hoped I'd go to college, and I'm trying to. It would help me if I could have a letter from you.
Hoping you are well, and that you will write me soon.
Your sincere friend
Felix Nawn