think I always have. I've always fought it—you helped me fight it—because I knew it would disappoint mother and father so. And perhaps,' she added candidly, 'because I was a little too proud.'
'Don't you think a girl should feel pride in the man she marries, war or no war?'
She held her head a little higher.
'I do feel pride! Just think what Felix is doing! Why he may come back blind! I do feel pride!' she repeated, and she flushed.
John Sheldon turned his eyes away from the flame in her cheeks. What fires a war can kindle!
'Do you think,' he pursued, 'you can feel pride in him in peace as well as in war?'
'I should hope I would always remember what he has done,' she said.
'Do you think you can be happy with him during the long years after this brief war is over?'
She made a little impatient gesture at that. 'Oh, that's what mother says. Always discussing my own little state of happiness. Dr. Sheldon, I don't think it's a time for any girl—for any human being to be splitting hairs about individual happiness just now. If any one can do anything to help win this war, I think it ought to be done, and quick, too. Nevin Baldwin wasn't thinking about his individual happiness, I guess, when he rushed up over that trench at four o'clock in the morning.'