away somewhere, and then when he went to hunt for it, he would be unable to find it. He had sent the duplicate house to the same address, he would explain. He hadn't had time, of course, in a few weeks to furnish the second house (Sheilah well knew how long it took him to make even a dining-room chair) but he'd shopped around town and picked up various pieces for it. The doll-houses had been paid for by checks which he had cashed immediately, and he had settled for the automobile in greenbacks.
Well, he had settled for the automobile with one greenback! The bond had had a very elaborate greenback. Gosh, but Felix had been glad to get rid of that dangerous oblong of paper.
The little Jew from whom he had bought the Ford had accepted the bond gladly, giving Felix in cash, as he requested, the balance due after deducting the price of the car. Felix had taken the precaution to tear off from the bond the coupons due for the next year and a half, and had burned them up, explaining to the Jew that he'd torn them off by mistake a year ago, and misplaced them. Coupons were dangerous let loose.
Possibly the bond itself would prove to be dangerous too. Felix wasn't quite sure. But he had to run a little risk. Of course there would be coupons turned in, in two years, but surely, by that time,