crystal eye-glasses with significant sharpness. 'I am the only one Mr. Fairchild took into his confidence in regard to that unfortunate affair of yours. I didn't approve of his policy in the matter. From the start I told him I thought your wife should be told the truth, and both of you clear up the indebtedness and start with a clean slate. Your wife has money, or recourse to it. I happen to know, because your boy is attending the same private school as my own and it isn't an inexpensive one.'
'But it will be just as bad for my wife to know now what I did, as it was a while ago—more, because now she'd feel
'Mr. Bullard interrupted Felix with a frown. 'I haven't time to discuss your wife's feelings. They really aren't my affair. This estate is my affair. All I ask is for you to see to it that I have that note of yours paid in full, within the next three weeks.'
'But don't you see I can't pay it without telling my wife, and she
''Sorry, Nawn, but I really haven't time to discuss the matter. There's another man waiting for me.'
'But if I
Could I ask you one more question?''As briefly as possible, please.'
'Well, if I did—if I could raise the money somehow, outside, I mean, borrow it from some one, get it to you some way, without telling my wife, would you feel it your duty to tell her yourself?'