she had made up her mind that to-night she would escape the strange, silent walk through the dark. She had tried to escape it.
At dinner at noon she had remarked to her mother and father that she thought she wouldn't go to the Young People's Guild that evening. Unspoken resolves so often died in her heart. But her mother had objected.
'Why shouldn't you go? You always do.'
'I've studying to do for to-morrow.'
'Well, you have the whole afternoon. Anyway, Sheilah, you know how I feel about Sunday studying. I was brought up
''I know.'
'I wouldn't interrupt, dear. I was brought up not to study on Sunday. You see what it leads to—neglecting your Sunday duties. You're a member of the Young People's Guild, and if all the members stayed at home to study, there wouldn't be any Guild, would there? You see the principle, dear, is this. The greatest good of the greatest
''Oh, never mind. I'll go.'
'Oh, why make her, Dora?' interrupted Sheilah's father, suddenly alert. Always suddenly alert to certain tones in Sheilah's voice.
'Why, Sidney!'
Sidney was not supposed to disagree with Dora about Sheilah. Parents should stand together in all