Pamela, only occasionally changing an ending in a weak attempt at concealment. Even the sentence from another exercise appeared in his copy! The class became tensely quiet as the truth of the situation slowly dawned. There was not even the shifting of a hand or foot when Miss Marks launched forth into an impassioned speech of contempt and condemnation. Miss Marks believed in public ignominy for so despicable a creature as a cheat. 'Robber, liar, coward—all in one,' she said (she had spoken on the subject before), 'and poor sportsman, too!'
The merciful bell put an end to Felix's torture at last. Awed and shocked, the pupils of the two divisions gathered their books together and silently trooped out of the room, looking askance at Felix Nawn as they passed him, cowering in his seat, his big body slid down as far as it would go beneath the inadequate shelter of the desk, his shoulders crumpled forward, his head sunk between them—a shapeless mound of something alive, trying to hide itself. Like a dog whipped, thought Miss Marks. Like a Stephen stoned, thought Sheilah.
It was the recess-hour. All the classrooms were emptying into the halls. Soon there were little eager whispering groups everywhere. They gathered in