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Congressional Record—House
January 6, 2021

intent on violent sedition and insurrection against our beloved democratic Republic.

Here is Abraham Lincoln right beforethe war. At what point, then, is the approach of danger to be expected? I would answer, if it ever reaches us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must, ourselves, be its author and its finisher.

Madam Speaker, my family suffered an unspeakable trauma on New Year’s Eve a week ago. But mine was not the only family to suffer such terrible pain in 2020. Hundreds of thousands of families in America are still mourning their family members. Many families represented in the Congress are still mourning their family members who have been taken away from us by COVID–19, by the opioid crisis, by cancer, by gun violence, by the rising fatalities associated with the crisis in mental and emotional health.

Enough, my beloved colleagues. It is time for America to heal. It is time for our families and communities to come together. Let us stop pouring salt in the wounds of America for no reason at all. Let us start healing our beloved land and our wonderful people.

The Speaker. All time for debate has expired.

The question is, Shall the objection submitted by the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Perry) and the Senator from Missouri (Mr. Hawley) be agreed to.

The question was taken; and the Speaker announced that the noes appeared to have it.

Mr. Kelly of Pennsylvania. Madam Speaker, on that I demand the yeas and nays.

The Speaker. Pursuant to section 3(s) of House Resolution 8, the yeas and nays are ordered.

Members are reminded to vote when their group is called and to leave the Chamber after they have voted.

The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were—yeas 138, nays 282, not voting 11, as follows:

[Roll No. 11]


  • Aderholt
  • Allen
  • Arrington
  • Babin
  • Baird
  • Banks
  • Bentz
  • Bergman
  • Bice (OK)
  • Biggs
  • Bishop (NC)
  • Boebert
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  • Burchett
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  • Carter (TX)
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  • DesJarlais
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  • Dunn
  • Estes
  • Fallon
  • Fischbach
  • Fitzgerald
  • Fleischmann
  • Foxx
  • Franklin, C. Scott
  • Fulcher
  • Gaetz
  • Garcia (CA)
  • Gibbs

  • Gimenez
  • Gohmert
  • Good (VA)
  • Gooden (TX)
  • Gosar
  • Graves (LA)
  • Graves (MO)
  • Green (TN)
  • Greene (GA)
  • Griffith
  • Guest
  • Hagedorn
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  • Harshbarger
  • Hartzler
  • Hern
  • Herrell
  • Hice (GA)
  • Higgins (LA)
  • Hudson
  • Issa
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  • Jacobs (NY)
  • Johnson (LA)
  • Johnson (OH)
  • Jordan
  • Joyce (PA)
  • Keller
  • Kelly (MS)
  • Kelly (PA)
  • Kustoff
  • LaMalfa
  • Lamborn
  • Lesko
  • Long
  • Loudermilk
  • Lucas
  • Luetkemeyer
  • Malliotakis
  • Mann
  • Mast
  • McCarthy
  • McClain
  • Meuser
  • Miller (IL)
  • Miller (WV)

  • Mooney
  • Moore (AL)
  • Mullin
  • Murphy (NC)
  • Nehls
  • Norman
  • Nunes
  • Obernolte
  • Owens
  • Palazzo
  • Palmer
  • Pence
  • Perry
  • Pfluger
  • Posey
  • Reschenthaler
  • Rice (SC)
  • Rogers (AL)
  • Rogers (KY)
  • Rose
  • Rosendale
  • Rouzer
  • Rutherford
  • Scalise
  • Schweikert
  • Sessions
  • Smith (MO)
  • Smith (NE)
  • Smucker
  • Stefanik
  • Steube
  • Stewart
  • Thompson (PA)
  • Tiffany
  • Timmons
  • Van Drew
  • Van Duyne
  • Walberg
  • Walorski
  • Weber (TX)
  • Webster (FL)
  • Williams (TX)
  • Wilson (SC)
  • Wittman
  • Wright
  • Zeldin


  • Adams
  • Aguilar
  • Allred
  • Amodei
  • Armstrong
  • Auchincloss
  • Axne
  • Bacon
  • Balderson
  • Barr
  • Barragán
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  • Beatty
  • Bera
  • Beyer
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  • Blumenauer
  • Blunt Rochester
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  • Boyle, Brendan F.
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  • Brownley
  • Buchanan
  • Bucshon
  • Bush
  • Bustos
  • Butterfield
  • Carbajal
  • Cárdenas
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  • Cartwright
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  • Castor (FL)
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  • Cheney
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  • Cicilline
  • Clark (MA)
  • Clarke (NY)
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  • Davids (KS)
  • Davis, Danny K.
  • Davis, Rodney
  • Dean
  • DeFazio
  • DeGette
  • DeLauro
  • DelBene
  • Delgado
  • Demings
  • DeSaulnier
  • Deutch
  • Dingell
  • Doggett
  • Doyle, Michael F.
  • Emmer
  • Escobar
  • Eshoo
  • Espaillat
  • Evans
  • Feenstra
  • Ferguson
  • Fitzpatrick
  • Fletcher
  • Fortenberry
  • Foster
  • Frankel, Lois
  • Fudge
  • Gallagher
  • Gallego
  • Garamendi
  • Garbarino
  • Garcı́a (IL)
  • Garcia (TX)
  • Golden
  • Gomez
  • Gonzales, Tony

  • Gonzalez (OH)
  • Gonzalez, Vicente
  • Gottheimer
  • Green, Al (TX)
  • Grijalva
  • Grothman
  • Guthrie
  • Haaland
  • Harder (CA)
  • Hayes
  • Herrera Beutler
  • Higgins (NY)
  • Hill
  • Himes
  • Hinson
  • Hollingsworth
  • Horsford
  • Houlahan
  • Hoyer
  • Huffman
  • Huizenga
  • Jackson Lee
  • Jacobs (CA)
  • Jayapal
  • Jeffries
  • Johnson (GA)
  • Johnson (SD)
  • Johnson (TX)
  • Jones
  • Kahele
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  • Kelly (IL)
  • Khanna
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  • Kim (CA)
  • Kim (NJ)
  • Kind
  • Kinzinger
  • Kirkpatrick
  • Krishnamoorthi
  • Kuster
  • LaHood
  • Lamb
  • Langevin
  • Larsen (WA)
  • Larson (CT)
  • Latta
  • Lawrence
  • Lawson (FL)
  • Lee (CA)
  • Lee (NV)
  • Leger Fernandez
  • Levin (CA)
  • Levin (MI)
  • Lieu
  • Lofgren
  • Lowenthal
  • Luria
  • Lynch
  • Mace
  • Malinowski
  • Maloney, Carolyn B.
  • Maloney, Sean
  • Manning
  • Massie
  • Matsui
  • McBath
  • McCaul
  • McClintock
  • McCollum
  • McEachin
  • McGovern
  • McHenry
  • McKinley
  • McNerney
  • Meeks
  • Meijer
  • Meng
  • Mfume
  • Miller-Meeks
  • Moolenaar
  • Moore (UT)
  • Moore (WI)
  • Morelle
  • Moulton
  • Mrvan
  • Murphy (FL)
  • Nadler
  • Napolitano
  • Neal
  • Neguse
  • Newhouse
  • Newman

  • Norcross
  • O’Halleran
  • Ocasio-Cortez
  • Omar
  • Pallone
  • Panetta
  • Pappas
  • Pascrell
  • Payne
  • Pelosi
  • Perlmutter
  • Peters
  • Phillips
  • Pingree
  • Pocan
  • Porter
  • Pressley
  • Price (NC)
  • Quigley
  • Raskin
  • Reed
  • Rice (NY)
  • Richmond
  • Rodgers (WA)
  • Ross
  • Roy
  • Roybal-Allard
  • Ruiz
  • Ruppersberger
  • Rush
  • Ryan
  • Sánchez
  • Sarbanes
  • Scanlon
  • Schakowsky
  • Schiff
  • Schneider
  • Schrader
  • Schrier
  • Scott (VA)
  • Scott, Austin
  • Sewell
  • Sherman
  • Sherrill
  • Simpson
  • Sires
  • Slotkin
  • Smith (NJ)
  • Smith (WA)
  • Soto
  • Spanberger
  • Spartz
  • Speier
  • Stanton
  • Stauber
  • Steil
  • Stevens
  • Stivers
  • Strickland
  • Suozzi
  • Swalwell
  • Takano
  • Taylor
  • Thompson (CA)
  • Thompson (MS)
  • Titus
  • Tonko
  • Torres (CA)
  • Torres (NY)
  • Trahan
  • Turner
  • Underwood
  • Upton
  • Vargas
  • Veasey
  • Vela
  • Velázquez
  • Wagner
  • Waltz
  • Wasserman Schultz
  • Waters
  • Watson Coleman
  • Welch
  • Wenstrup
  • Westerman
  • Wexton
  • Wild
  • Williams (GA)
  • Wilson (FL)
  • Womack
  • Yarmuth
  • Young


  • Bilirakis
  • Brady
  • Buck
  • Granger

  • Hastings
  • Joyce (OH)
  • LaTurner
  • Scott, David

  • Steel
  • Tlaib
  • Trone

□ 0308

Ms. Clarke of New York changed her vote from “yea” to “nay.”

So the objection was not agreed to.

The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.

A motion to reconsider was laid on the table.

The Speaker. The Clerk will now notify the Senate of the action of the House, informing that body that the House is now ready to proceed in joint session with the further counting of the electoral vote for the President and Vice President.


A further message from the Senate by Ms. Byrd, one of its clerks, announced that the Secretary of the Senate shall inform the House of Representatives that the Senate is ready to proceed in joint session with the further counting of the electoral votes for President and Vice President.

(By unanimous consent, Mr. Hoyer was allowed to speak out of order.)


Mr. Hoyer. Madam Speaker, this would not be the time I would have chosen, but it may be the last time that we are in session before the new administration comes in.

We are losing an extraordinary young woman who has been with me for over a decade and who is our floor leader, our floor director. All of you know her. Her name is Shuwanza Goff, and she has been with me for a significant period of time.

Shuwanza is a wonderful person. And the problem with having wonderful, talented, good staff is that at an administration change, they steal your people. It is just a terrible thing that happens. Two of my staff, Shuwanza Goff and Mariel Saez, will be going to the administration as well, and I have asked the administration to please do not take any more of my people.

But Shuwanza Goff has just been extraordinary. Those of you who have dealt with her understand how bright she is.