Mr Dixon with Mr Boren.
Mr. Jarman with Mr. McGehee.
Mr. Kelly of New York with Mr. Curley.
Mr. Drew of Pennsylvania with Mr. Hook.
Mr. Buckley with Mr. Eberharter.
Mr. Wood with Mr. Allen of Delaware.
Mr. Mahon of South Carolina with Mr. Sachs.
Mr. FORD of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, my colleagues the gentlemen from Mississippi, Mr. Doxey and Mr. McGehee, are necessarily detained. If they were present, I am not advised how they would vote on the motion to recommit, but they would vote “yea” on the final passage of the bill.
Mr. RICHARDS. Mr. Speaker, I desire to announce that my colleague the gentleman from South Carolina, Mr. Mahon, is detained from the House on account of a death in his family. If present, he would vote “nay” on the motion to recommit and “yea” on the passage of the bill.
Mr. CANNON of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, my colleague the gentleman from Missouri, Mr. Wood, who is absent on official business, requests me to say that if he were present he would vote “nay” on the motion to recommit and “yea” on the passage of the bill.
Mr. McGRANERY. Mr. Speaker, my colleague the gentleman from Pennsylvania, Mr. Sacks, is unavoidably absent. If present, he would vote “nay” on the motion to recommit.
Mr. HARLAN. Mr. Speaker, may I announce that my colleague the gentleman from Ohio, Mr. Lamneck, is absent on account of official business. If present, he would vote “nay” on the motion to recommit.
The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.
The SPEAKER. The question is on the passage of the bill.
Mr. McREYNOLDS. Mr. Speaker, I demand the yeas and nays.
The yeas and nays were ordered.
The question was taken; and there were—yeas 376, nays 13, not voting 42, as follows:
[Roll No. 34]
Aieshlre | Coffee. Nebr. | Flannery | Houston |
Allen. Ill. | Colden | Fleger | Hull |
Allen, La. | Cole, Md. | Fletcher | Hunter |
Allen. Pa. | Collins | Focht | Imhoff |
Amlle | Colmer | Forand | Izac |
Anderson. Mo. | Connery | Ford. Calif. | Jacobsen |
Andresen, Minn. | Cooley | Ford, Miss. | Jarman |
Andrews | Cooper | Frey. Pa. | Jarrett |
Arends | Costello | Fries, Ill. | Jenckes, Ind. |
Arnold | Cox | Fuller | Jenkins, Ohio |
Ashbrook | Cravens | Fulmer | Johnson, Minn. |
Atkinson | Crawford | Gambrill | Johnson, Okla. |
Barden | Creal | Garrett | Johnson, Tex. |
Barry | Crosby | Gavagan | Johnson, W. Va. |
Bates | Crosser | Gearhart | Jones |
Beam | Crowe | Gehrmann | Kee |
Belter | Crowther | Gifford | Kelly, HI. |
Bell | Culkln | Gilchrist | Kennedy, Md. |
Blermann | Cullen | Glldea | Kennedy, N. Y. |
Blgelow | Daly | Gingery | Kenney |
Bland | Deen | Goldsborough | Keogh |
Bloom | Delaney | Gray, Ind. | Kinzer |
Boehne | Dempsey | Gray Pa. | Kirwan |
Bollcau | DeMuth | Green | Kitchens |
Boyer | DeRouen | Greenwood | Kleberg |
Boykin | Dicksteln | Grecver | Kloeb |
Boylan, N. Y. | Dies | Gregory | Kniffin |
Bradley | Dlngell | Griffith | Knutson |
Brooks | Disney | Griswold | Kocialkowski |
Brown | Ditter | Guyer | Kopplemann |
Buckler, Minn. | Dockweller | Gwynne | Kramer |
Bulwinkle | Dondero | Haines | Kvale |
Burch | Dorsey | Halleck | Lambertson |
Byrne | Doughton | Hamilton | Lambeth |
Caldwell | Douglas | Hancock, N. Y. | Lanham |
Cannon. Mo. | Dowell | Hancock, N. C. | Lanzetta |
Cannon, Wis. | Drewry, Va. | Harlan | Larrabee |
Carlson | Driver | Harrington | Lea |
Carter | Dunn | Hart | Leavy |
Cartwright | Eaton | Harter | Lemke |
Case. S. Dak. | Eckert | Hartley | Lewis, Colo. |
Casey, Mass. | Edmiston | Havenner | Long |
Celler | Elcher | Hendricks | Lord |
Champion | Ellenbogen | Hennings | Lucas |
Chandler | Engel | Higgins | Luce |
Chapman | Englebright | Hildebrandt | Luckey, Nebr. |
Church | Evans | Hill, Ala. | Luecke. Mich. |
Citron | Faddis | Hill, Okla. | McAndrews |
Clark, Idaho | Farley | Hill, Wash. | McFarlane |
Clark. N. C. | Ferguson | Hobbs | McGranery |
Clason | Fernandez | Hoffman | McGrath |
Claypool | Fitzgerald | Holmes | McKeough |
Cluett | Fitzpatrick | Honeyman | McLaughlin |
Cochran | Flannagan | Hope | McLean |
McMillan | O’Neal, Ky. | Robinson, Utah | Taylor, Tenn. |
McReynolds | O’Neill, N.J. | Rogers, Okla. | Terry |
McSweeney | O’Toole | Romjue | Thom |
Maas | Oliver | Rutherford | Thomas, N. J. |
Magnuson | Owen | Sadowski | Thomas, Tex. |
Mahon. Tex. | Pace | Sanders | Thompson, Ill. |
Maloney | Palmisano | Sauthoff | Thurston |
Mansfield | Parsons | Schaefer, Ill. | Tobey |
Mapes | Patman | Schneider, Wis. | Tolan |
Martin, Colo. | Patrick | Schuetz | Towey |
Martin, Mass. | Patterson | Schulte | Transue |
Masslngale | Patton | Scott | Treadway |
Maverick | Pearson | Secrest | Turner |
May | Peterson, Fla. | Seger | Umstcad |
Mead | Peterson. Ga. | Shafer. Mich. | Vincent, B. M. |
Meeks | Pettengill | Shanley | Vinson, Ga. |
Merritt | Peyser | Shannon | Vinson, F. M. |
Michener | Pfeifer | Sheppard | Voorhis |
Millard | Phillips | Sirovich | Wallgren |
Miller | Pierce | Smith. Conn. | Walter |
Mills | Plumley | Smith Maine | Warren |
Mitchell. Ill. | Poage | Smith, Wash. | Wearin |
Mitchell. Tenn. | Polk | Smith, W Va. | Weaver |
Moser, Pa. | Powers | Snell | Welch |
Mosler, Ohio | Quinn | Snyder, Pa. | Wene |
Mott | Rabaut | Somers, N. Y. | West |
Mouton | Ramsay | South | Whelchel |
Murdock. Ariz. | Ramspeck | Sparkman | White, Idaho |
Murdock. Utah | Randolph | Spence | White, Ohio |
Nelson | Rankin | Stack | Whittington |
Nichols | Rayburn | Starnes | Wlgglesworth |
Nortoni | Reece, Tenn. | Steagall | Williams |
O’Brien, Ill. | Reed, Ill. | Stefan | Withrow |
O’Brien, Mich. | Reed, N. Y. | Sullivan | Wolcott |
O’Connell, R. I. | Rees, Kans. | Sumners, Tex. | Wolfenden |
O’Connor, Mont. | Reilly | Sutphin | Wolverton |
O’Connor, N. Y. | Rich | Sweeney | Woodruff |
O’Day | Richards | Swope | Woodrum |
O’Leary | Rigney | Tarver | Zimmerman |
O’Malley | Robertson | Taylor, S. C. | The Speaker |
Bacon | Dirksen | O’Connell. Mont. | Telgan |
Bernard | Ludlow | Robslon, Ky. | Tinkham |
Burdick | Mason | Rogers, Mass. | Wadsworth |
Coffee, Wash. |
Allen. Del. | Doxey | Kerr | Sacks |
Blnderup | Drew. Pa. | Lamneck | Scrugham |
Boland, Pa. | Duncan | Lesinski | Short |
Boren | Eberharter | Lewis, Md. | Smith. Va. |
Brewster | Fish | McClellan | Taber |
Buck | Gasque | McCormack | Taylor, Colo. |
Buckley. N. Y. | Goodwin | McGehee | Thomason, Tex. |
Cole, N. Y. | Healey | McGroarty | Wilcox |
Cummings | Jenks, N. H. | Mahon, S. C. | Wood |
Curley | Keller | Ryan | |
Dixon | Kelly, N. Y. | Sabath |
The SPEAKER. The Clerk will call my name.
The Clerk called the name of Mr. Bankhead, and be answered “aye.”
So the Senate joint resolution was passed.
The Clerk announced the following pairs:
On this vote:
Mr. Lamneck (for) with Mr. Short (against).
Mr. Brewster (for) with Mr. Cole of New York (against).
General pairs:
Mr. Taylor of Colorado with Mr. Taber.
Mr McCormack with Mr Jenks of New Hampshire.
Mr Smith of Virginia with Mr. Goodwin.
Mr. Lewis of Maryland with Mr. Fish.
Mr. Wilcox with Mr. Scrugham.
Mr. Boland of Pennsylvania with Mr. Healey.
Mr. Doxey with Mr. Keller.
Mr. Gasque with Mr. Leslnski.
Mr. Sabath with Mr. Ryan.
Mr. Dixon with Mr. Boren.
Mr Kelly of New York with Mr. McGehee.
Mr. Drew of Pennsylvania with Mr. Hook.
Mr. Curley with Mr Telgan.
Mr, Buckley of New York with Mr. Eberharter.
Mr. Wood with Mr. Allen of Delaware.
Mr. Mahon of South Carolina with Mr. Sacks.
Mr. Duncan with Mr. Cummings.
Mr. Kerr with Mr. Blnderup.
Mr. McClellan with Mr. Buck.
Mr. Thomason of Texas with Mr. McGroarty.
Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, my colleagues the gentleman from Massachusetts, Mr. McCormack, and the gentleman from Massachusetts, Mr. Healey, are unavoidably absent. If present, they would vote “nay” on the motion to recommit and “aye” on the passage of the bill.
Mr. SADOWSKI. Mr. Speaker, my colleagues the gentleman from Michigan, Mr. Lesinski, and the gentleman from Michigan, Mr. O'Brien, are unavoidably absent. If present, they would have voted “nay” on the motion to recommit and “aye” on the passage of the bill.