Page:Conspectus of the history of political parties and the federal government - Houghton - 1860.djvu/109

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1854—Congress passes the Kansas–Nebraska Bill. United States neutral on the Eastern Question. Treaty of Reciprocity with England. Commercial Treaty with Japan concluded through Commodore Perry.

1855—The Court of Claims established.

1856—133 ballots required to elect Nathaniel P. Banks Speaker of the House. Mr. Brooks of South Carolina assaults Senator Sumner in the Senate Chamber. British Envoy ordered to leave Washington.

1857—A great Financial Panic; 5,123 Commercial Failures.

1858—Congress passes the English Kansas Bill. Treaty of Amity with China. First Atlantic Cable laid; second in 1866.

1860—Eighth Census. The Ratio of Representation fixed at 127,000. Crittenden Compromise introduced and defeated. Prince of Wales visits the United States. Senators and Federal Officers from the South, favoring disunion, resign. President denies the right of a State to secede, and declines to receive the South Carolina Commission.

1861—Congress meets in Special Session. The President calls for 657,743 Volunteers and $400,000,000 to put down the Rebellion.

1862—Slavery prohibited in the Territories. Internal Revenue Bill passed. Polygamy forbidden in the United States. Union Pacific Railroad chartered. Department of Agriculture organized. A draft of 300,000 men to serve for nine months, ordered by the Secretary of War. 600,000 Volunteers called.

1863—Bureau of Currency and National Banks established. A loan of $900,000,000 Ten-forties authorized. Emancipation Proclamation issued. Habeas Corpus Act suspended. 300,000 Volunteers called for. Amnesty Proclamation issued. General Grant takes command of the Western Armies.

1864—Fugitive Slave Law repealed. A draft of 500,000 men ordered, and 700,000 men called for. 85,000 men accepted from Governors of Western States.

1865—The 13th Amendment passed. Amnesty Proclamation issued. Blockade of Southern ports ended. $98,000,000 subscribed to the 7-30 Loan during the week ending May 13. A Day of Fasting on account of the Death of President Lincoln. All the Nation in mourning. The Civil War costs about $4,000,000,000.

1866—Freedman’s Bureau Bill and Civil Rights Bill passed. 14th Amendment passed.

1867—Southern States organized into Military Districts. Military Government Bill and Tenure-of-Office Bill passed. Treaty with Russia for purchase of Alaska concluded.

1868—Impeachment Trial of the President ends in his acquittal. 14th Amendment declared part of the Constitution. Proclamation of Political Amnesty issued.

1870—15th Amendment passed. Recall of the Russian Minister, Catecazy, requested. Proclamation against Fenian Raids into Canada issued.

1871—Congress passes Bill against Ku-Klux.

1872—Tax and Tariff Bill passed diminishing the Revenue $3,000,000. Ratio of Representation fixed at 131,425; Representatives limited to 293. General Amnesty Bill signed. $15,500,000 awarded the United States by the Geneva Tribunal. Emperor William of Germany decides the San Juan Question in favor of United States.

1873—Salary Grab Act passed. First Repeal of the Franking Privilege. Federal Officers are forbidden to hold State Offices. Telegraph between United States and Europe completed. Capture of the Virginius by Cubans announced at Washington. Suspension of the Bank of Jay Cook & Co. causes a Financial Panic over the entire Country.

1874—$19,000 voted for the Sufferers on the Lower Mississippi. Currency Bill vetoed.

1875—Senate ratifies the Treaty with Hawaii. Civil Rights Bill passed. New Treaty with Belgium concluded.

1876—Centennial Bill, appropriating $15,000,000, passed. Secretary Belknap impeached by the House, acquitted by the Senate. Postal Treaty with Japan. Termination of the English Extradition Treaty announced.

1877—Electoral Commission. Spanish Extradition Treaty announced.

1877—Federal Troops recalled from the South. Nez Perces War.

1878—Silver Bill. Halifax Fishery Award.

1879—Specie Payment. Negro Exodus begins. Ute War.