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Constitution of MDCCXCI.

collectors and receivers of direct taxes; the overseers of collections; theexcisemen of indirect taxation, and of the national domains; and thosewho, under whatever denomination, are attached by their employmentto the military and civil household of the King; and also the administrators, subadministrators, municipal officers, and commandants of theNational Guard. Art. 5. The exercise of judicial functions shall be incompatiblewith the duty of the representatives of the nation during the sessionof the legislature. The judges shall be replaced by their substitutes, and the King shall, by commission, fill the vacancies from his commissioners at the tribunals. Art. 6. The members of the Legislative Body can be re elected toa subsequent legislature, but only after the interval of one legislature. Art. 7. The representatives named in the departments shall not berepresentatives of any particular department, but of the entire nation, and no mandate to execute any fixed commission shall be imposedupon them . Section IV. The Sessions and the Government of the Primary and ElectoralAssemblies. Article i. The functions of the primary and electoral assembliesare limited to election; they separate as soon as the elections aremade, and can only meet again when they are convoked, except inthe cases above provided for in Article 1 of Section II, and of Article1 of Section III. Art. 2. No citizen, if he is armed, can enter, or exercise the rightof suffrage in an assembly. Art. 3. An armed force can not be introduced into an assembly, without its express vote, unless violence is committed, in which casethe order of the President will suffice to call the public force intorequisition. Art. 4. Every two years lists shall be prepared in each district, bycantons, of the active citizens, and lists of each canton shall be published and posted therein two months before the time of meeting of the primary assembly. All claims which may be made, either to contest the qualifications ofcitizens entered upon the lists, or on the part of those who allege anunjust exclusion therefrom, shall be carried to the tribunals to be theresummarily judged. The lists shall regulate the admission of cuizens into