criminally for an act of his administration without a decree of theLegislative Body. CHAPTER III. OF THE EXERCISE OK LEGISLATIVE POWER. Section I. Powers and Functions of the National Legislative Assembly. Article i. The Constitution delegates exclusively to the LegislativeBody the following powers and functions:I. To propose and decree the laws; the King can only invite theLegislative Body to take a subject into consideration. 2. To determine the public expenses. 3. To establish public taxes; to determine their nature, the quota, the duration, and the mode of collection. 4. To cause a distribution of direct taxes between the departments of the kingdom, to guard the employment of all public revenues, and tocause an account to be rendered of them. 5. To decree the creationor suppression of public offices. 6. To determine the title, the weight, the impress, and the denomination of moneys. 7. To permit or forbid the introduction of foreign troops upon French territory, and offoreign naval forces in the ports of the kingdom. 8. To legislate, annually, upon the proposition of the King, upon the number of menand vessels of which the land and sea forces shall be composed; upon thepay and number of persons in each service; upon the rules of admission and promotion, the forms of enrollment and of discharge; theorganization of ships' crews; upon the admission of troops or of foreignnaval forces into the service of France, and upon the pay of troopsin case of disbandment. 9. To legislate upon the administration oflaw and to order alienation of national domains. 10. To prosecutebefore the national High Court the responsibilities of ministers and theprincipal agents of the executive power; to accuse and to prosecutebefore the same court those who shall be charged with an attempt orconspiracy against the general security of the State, or against theConstitution, n. To legislate in what manner purely personal marksof honor or decoration shall be accorded to those who have renderedservice to the State. 12. The Legislative Body, only, has the rightto order public honors to the memory of great men. Art. 2. War shall only be declared by a decree of the LegislativeBody, rendered by the formal and necessary proposition of the King, and sanctioned by him, In the event of imminent or commenced
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