Page:Constitution and malaysia (singapore amendement).djvu/2

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53 OF 1965

7.Continuation and effect of present laws. All present laws in force in Singapore immediately before Singapore Day shall continue to have effect according to their tenor and shall be construed as if this Act had not been passed in respect of Singapore subject however to amendment or repeal by the Legislature of Singapore.

8.Temporary provision as to jurisdiction and procedure of Singapore Courts. Until other provision is made by the Legislature of Singapore, the jurisdiction, original or appellate, and the practice and procedure of the High Court and the subordinate Courts of Singapore shall be the same as that exercised and followed immediately before Singapore Day, and appeals from the High Court shall continue to lie to the Federal Court of Appeal of Malaysia and then to the Privy Council in like manner.

9.Transfer of property and succession to rights, liabilities and obligations. All property, movable and immovable, and rights, liabilities and obligations which before Malaysia Day belonged to or were the responsibility of the Government of Singapore and which on that day or after became the property of or the responsibility of the Government of Malaysia shall on Singapore Day revert to and vest in or devolve upon and become once again the property of or the responsibility of Singapore.

(a)Transfer of Singapore officers. All persons, including members of the Armed Forces, the Police Force, the Courts and the Judiciary, and all others who immediately before Malaysia Day were officers employed by the Government of Singapore and who on that day or after became officers employed by the Government of Malaysia shall on Singapore Day become once again officers employed by the Government of Singapore.

(b) All persons who between Malaysia Day and Singapore Day were engaged by the Government of Malaysia for employment in those departments which were departments of the State of Singapore before Malaysia Day shall on Singapore Day become forthwith officers employed by the Government of Singapore.

11.Singapore Senators and members of Parliament. The two Senators and fifteen Members of Parliament from Singapore shall on Singapore Day cease to be members of the Senate and the House of Representatives respectively.

12.Singapore citizenship. A citizen of Singapore shall on Singapore Day cease to be a citizen of Malaysia.

13.International agreements etc. relating to Singapore. Any treaty, agreement or convention entered into before Singapore Day between the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or the Government of Malaysia and another country or countries, including those deemed to be so by Article 169