Article 103
No member may be removed from the Council unless he loses confidence and esteem, or becomes disqualified for lacking one of conditions of the membership on the basis of which he was elected, or is in breach of the duties of membership. The resolution of removal from the Council shall be taken by a two‐thirds majority of the Members of the Council.
Article 104
The Emir may dissolve the Council by a decree in which the reasons for the dissolution shall be stated; however, the Council shall not be dissolved twice for the same reasons. Where the Council is dissolved, the elections of the new Council shall take place within a period not exceeding six months as of the date of dissolution.
Until a new Council is elected, the Emir with the assistance of the C ouncil of Ministers shall assume the power of legislation.
Article 105
1. Every Member of the Council shall have the right to propose bills; and every proposal shall be referred to the relevant committee in the Council for study, making recommendation and submission to the Council. If the Council accepts the proposal, the same shall be referred in draft form to the Government for study and opinion. Such a draft shall be returned to the Council during the same or the following term of session.
2. Any bill rejected by the Council may not be re ‐introduced during the same term of session.
Article 106
1. Any draft law passed by the Council shall be referred to the Emir for ratification.
2. If the Emir, declines to approve the draft law, he shall return it a long with the reasons for such declination to the Council within a period of three months from the date of referral.
3. In the event that a draft law is returned to the Council within the period specified in the preceding paragraph and the Council passes the same once more with a two ‐thirds majority of all its Members, the Emir shall ratify and promulgate it. The Emir may in compelling circumstances order the suspension of this law for the period that he deems necessary to serve the higher interests of the country. If, however, the draft law is not passed by a two‐thirds majority, it shall not be reconsidered within the same term of session.
Article 107
The general draft budget shall be submitted to Al‐Shoura Council at least two months from the commencement of the fiscal year and it shall not be in force unless the Council approves it. Al-Shoura Council may, with the approval of the Government, make amendments to the draft budget; and in case that the draft budget is not passed before the start of fiscal year, the previous budget continues to be effective until the new budget is passed. The law shall define the method of preparing the budget is prepared and specify the fiscal year.
Article 108
Al‐Shoura Council shall have the right to express to the Government its interest in public matters. If the Government is unable to comply with such interest, it must give to the Council the reasons for that. The Council may comment but once on the statement of the Government.