Final Provisions
Article 141
The Emir shall promulgate this Constitution and it shall come into force as of the day immediately following the date of its publication in the official Gazette.
Article 142
The laws shall be published in the official Gazette after ratification and promulgation within two weeks of their issue, and unless otherwise stated in the laws themselves, such laws shall come into force a month as of the date of their publication.
Article 143
All provisions embodied in laws and regulations in force upon the entering of this Constitution into force shall continue to be valid and effective unless they are amended in accordance with it. The enforcement of this Constitution shall not affect the provisions of the treaties and international agreements to which the State of Qatar is a party.
Article 144
The Emir or one third of the Members of Al‐Shoura Council each shall have the prerogative to apply for the amendment of one or more of the articles of this Constitution. If the majority Members of the Council accept the amendment in principle, the Council may discuss it article by article. The amendment shall be passed by a two‐thirds majority of the Members of the Council. The said amendment shall not be into force before the approval of the Emir and its publication in the official Gazette. If, on the other hand, the proposal for amendment is rejected in principle or in subject, it may not be re‐introduced before the lapse of one year from the date of its rejection.
Article 145
Provisions pertaining to the rule of the State and its inheritance thereof may not be subject to application for amendment.
Article 146
Provisions pertaining to rights and public liberties may not be subject to amendment save for the purpose of granting more rights and guarantees for the interest of the citizen.
Article 147
The functions of the Emir set forth in this Constitution may not be subject to an application for amendment during the term of his deputation.