Page:Constitution of Rhodesia, 1965.pdf/14

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(e) the definition and trial of offences relating to elections and the imposition of penalties therefor, including the

disqualification for election of any person concerned in such offence;
(f)the hearing and disposal of election petitions,

(2)Any such law as is mentioned in subsection (1) of this section shall provide that claims for registration as voters may be made pot less frequently than once in every year and that rolls of voters shall be prepared at least once in every year and be open to inspection by members of the public.

Restrictions of power of Legislature in respect of the franchise.

15.(1)No Bill which, if enacted, would vary the qualifications or disqualifications of voters at elections for Parliament shall be deemed to be passed by Parliament unless at the final vote thereon it receives the affirmative votes of not less than two-thirds of the total membership of Parliament, and no such Bill shall be presented to the Officer Administering the Government for assent unless it is accompanied by a certificate under the hand of the Speaker to that effect.

(2)Where any such Bill as is mentioned in subsection (1) of this section contains any provision which would, if enacted, have the effect of rendering ineligible for inclusion in the "A" Roll or "B" Roll, as the case may be, any person possessing the qualifications for that Roll set out in the Second Schedule, that Bill shall be dealt with in all respects as if it were a constitutional Bill to amend a specially entrenched provision of this Constitution within the meaning of section 116 and shall not be presented to the Officer Administering the Government for assent unless the requirements of subsection (2) of section 117 have been complied with, in addition to those of subsection (1) of this section:

Provided that this subsection shall not apply to a provision of a Bill which, if enacted, would have the effect of rendering eligible for the "A" Roll any person possessing the qualifications for the "B" Roll set out in the Second Schedule

(3) Nothing contained in subsection (1) or (2) of this section shall prevent the Officer Administering the Government,

by proclamation in the Gazette, from varying any qualifications for the franchise which are expressed in any law of the Legislature in terms of money according to the ascertained increase or decrease in the purchasing power of money in Rhodesia in pursuance of the powers conferred on the Officer Administering the Government under section 13 of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2] or any like provision amending or replacing the same The said power