Page:Constitution of Rhodesia, 1965.pdf/27

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Report to the Officer Administering the Government

44.(1) The Delimitation Commission shall submit to the Officer Administering the Government a report comprising-
(a) a list of constituencies and electoral districts delimited by the Commission, with the names assigned to each and a description of their boundaries;
(b) a map or maps showing the constituencies and electoral districts into which Rhodesia has been divided by the Commission;
(c) any further information or particulars which the Commission considers necessary
(2) The Officer Administering the Government may refer back to the Commission for its further consideration and final decision, any matter arising out of the Commission's report.
(3) If there shall appear to be any discrepancy between the description of the boundaries of any constituency or electoral district and the said map or maps, the description shall prevail.

Proclamation of constituencies and electoral districts

45. From time to time when the Delimitation Commission has completed its report, the Officer Administering the Government shall, by proclamation in the Gazette, declare the names and boundaries of the constituencies and electoral districts as finally settled by the Commission to be the constituencies and electoral districts of Rhodesia which shall have effect for the purposes of the next and any subsequent general election held after the date of such proclamation.

Conveying the Delimitation Commission

46. A Delimitation Commission shall be convened by the Officer Administering the Government for the purposes of this Chapter at five-yearly intervals.
Provided that a Delimitation Commission may be convened before the expiration of any five-yearly period if it appears to the Officer Administering the Government necessary to do so haviog regard to any substantial change in the distribution of registered voters within Rhodesia

Chapter V


Executive powers.

47.(1) The executive governmeat of Rhodesia in regard to any aspect of its internal or exterpal affairs is vested in Her Majesty acting on the advice of the Ministers of the Government of Rhodesia and may be exercised by the Officer Administering