Page:Constitution of Rhodesia, 1965.pdf/97

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Rhodcsía Government Notice No:737N of 1965: Rhodesia H.oclamation No, 53 of 1955 PROCLAMATION WHERBAS in the coicse of human affairs füistory has show that it may become ceccssary for a prople to resolve the political affiliatioos which have connected them with another people and to assu.114 amongst other nations the separate aed equal status to which they are erlitled: AND WHEREAS in such cvent a respect for the opinions of mankind requires then ta declare to other nations the causes which impe: them to assume full responsibility for their own affairs: NOW, THEREFORE, WE, THE GOVERNMENT OF RHODESIA, DO HEREBY DECLARE: THAT it is an indisputable and accepted bistoric fact, that sirice 1923 the Government of Rhodesia bave exercised the powers of self-govcament and seve beco responsible for the progress, clevelopment and ixvelfare of their people; THAT the people of Rhoderia having demonstrated their loyalty to the Crowa and to their kith and kin in the United Kinydom and elsewhere through two world wars, and having been prepared: to shed their blood suad give of their substance is what they be the matual interes's of frcedom-loving people, now see all that they have cherished about to be shattered or the rocks of expediency; THAT the people of Rhodesia wave witnessed a process which is destruc'ite of those very precepts upon which civilization in a primitive country has been built; they have seen the pricicles of Western die nccracy, rcsponsible government and moral standards: crumble clsewhere; nsvert cless they have remained steadfast; THAT the people of Rhodesia fully support the requests of their Government for sovereign independence but have witziessed. the consistent refusal of the Government of the United Kingdom to accede co their enticaties; THAT the Government of the United Kiogdom Lave lhus. demonstrated that they are not prepared to giant sovereign independcicu-to Rhod:sia on terms acceptable to the people of Rhodesia, thereby persisting in maintaining an unwarrantable jurisdiction over Rhodesia, obelructing laws and treaties with ctler states and the conduct of affairs with other natiuns and refusing assent to any recessary for the public good; all this to the ccriment of the future peace, prosperity and good goverment of Rhodesia; 1312


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