Page:Constitution of the Bolivarian republic of Venezuela.djvu/100

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ing the offense and establishing the responsibility of the perpetrators and other participants, as well as to secure custody of the objects actively and passively concerned with the perpetration of the offense.

(4) To conduct on behalf of the State criminal prosecutions in those cases in which no initiative on the part of a party is required in order to initiate or continue such prosecution, with the exceptions established by law.

(5) To file any appropriate actions to hold liable public officials who have incurred civil, labor, military, criminal, administrative or disciplinary liability the course of their official duties.

(6) Any other functions that may be assigned to this office by the Constitution and by law.

These attributions do not discredit the exercise of any rights or actions to which private parties or other officials may be entitled in accordance with this Constitution and the law.

Article 286: Matters relating to the organization and functioning of the Office of Public Prosecutions at the municipal, state and national levels shall be determined by law, providing the appropriate measures to ensure the suitability, probity and stable tenure of the attorneys of the Office of Public Prosecutions. Rules to guarantee the exercise of these functions by career personnel shall also be established by law.

Section Four: Office of the General Comptroller of the Republic

Article 287: The Office of the General Comptroller of the Republic is the organ that controls, watches and audits revenues, expenses, public and national property and transactions relating to the same. It enjoys operating, administrative and organizational autonomy, and concentrates its activities on functions relating to inspection of the organs and entities under its oversight.