Assembly. The People Defender* shall move forward as regards organizational structure, integration, establishing of budget and physical infrastructure, based on the powers vested in him by the Constitution.
Tenth: The provisions of article 167, section 4 of this Constitution
concerning the obligation of the States to apply at least 50% of the
constitutional revenue share to investment, shall be effective beginning January 1, 2001.
Eleventh: Pending enactment of national legislation governing
vacant lands, the same shall continue to be administered by the
National Power, in accordance with existing legislation.
Twelfth: The demarcation of the native habitat as referred to in
Article 119 of this Constitution, shall be carried out within two years
of the effective date of this Constitution.
Thirteenth: Until the States assume under State law the powers
referred to under article 164, section 7 of this Constitution, the existing system shall remain in effect.
Fourteenth: Pending enactment of the legislation developing the
principles embodied in this Constitution concerning municipal
regime, the ordinances and other normative instruments concerning
municipalities shall remain in full effect as to the matters within their
competence and the separate tax competence they possess under the
legal order applicable prior to adoption of this Constitution.
Fifteenth: Pending passage of the legislation referred to in article
105 of the Constitution, the legal order applicable prior to adoption of
this Constitution shall remain in effect.
Sixteenth: In order to protect the nation's historical heritage, the
Chronicler of the National Constituent Assembly shall coordinate all