national guidance system for the overall protection of children and adolescents.
Article 79: Young people have the right and duty to be active participants in the development process. The State, with the joint participation of families and society, shall create opportunities to stimulate
their productive transition into adult life, including in particular training for and access to their first employment, in accordance with law.
Article 80: The State shall guarantee senior citizens the full exercise of their rights and guarantees. The State, with the solidary participation of families and society, is obligated to respect their human
dignity, autonomy and to guarantee them full care and social security
benefits to improve and guarantee their quality of life. Pension and
retirement benefits granted through the social security system shall
not be less than the urban minimum salary. Senior citizens* shall be
guaranteed to have the right to a proper work, if they indicate a desire
to work and are capable to.
Article 81: Any person with disability or special needs has the
right to the full and autonomous exercise of his or her abilities and to
its integration into the family and community. The State, with the solidary participation of families and society, guarantees them respect for
their human dignity, equality of opportunity and satisfactory working
conditions, and shall promote their training, education and access to
employment appropriate to their condition, in accordance with law. It
is recognized that deaf persons have the right to express themselves
and communicate through the Venezuelan sign language.
Article 82: Every person has the right to adequate, safe and comfortable, hygienic housing, with appropriate essential basic services,
including a habitat such as to humanize family, neighborhood and
community relations. The progressive meeting of this requirement is
the shared responsibility of citizens and the State in all areas.