Page:Constitution of the Sac and Fox Nation.pdf/1

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We, The People of the Sac and Fox Nation, in order to promote the general welfare, provide for public peace and safety, establish justice, and to secure to ourselves and our descendants our common heritage and inherent right of self-government, as well as any rights or powers which may be granted to an organized Indian tribe pursuant to the Thomas-Rogers Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act of June 26, 1936, (49 Stat. 1967), any other law of the United States of America, do hereby ordain and establish this Constitution of the Sac and Fox Nation, which shall supercede the constitution approved by the Secretary of the Interior on October 27, 1937, and ratified on December 7, 1937, as amended.


The membership of the Sac and Fox Nation shell consist of the following:

SECTION 1. All enrolled persons whose names appear on the official Tribal Roll as of the date of the ratification of this constitution.

SECTION 2. All persons of one-fourth (1/4) or more degree of total combined Sac and Fox Indian blood at least one of whose parents is a member of the Sac and Fox Nation.

SECTION 3. All person now living and eligible for membership under Article II of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma as amended August 26, 1967.

a. All enrolled persons whose names appear on the official census role of the tribe as of January 1, 1937, and who were living on that date.
b. Each child born since the date of the said roll and prior to the effective date of Amendment I (October 16, 1954) each of whose parents was a member of the tribe.
c. Each child of Sac and Fox Indian blood born prior to the effective date of Amendment I (October 16, 1954) of a marriage between a member of the tribe and any other person, if such child is admitted to membership by the council.
d. Each child who is of one-fourth or more Sac and Fox Indian blood born on or after October 16, 1954, each of whose parents is a member of the tribe.
e. Persons born after the date of October 16, 1954, who possess one-fourth or more Sac and Fox Tribe of Oklahoma, shall be entitled to membership with the Sac and Fox Tribe of Oklahoma, provided and application is submitted in writing to the Sac and Fox Tribe of Oklahoma and provided that such person has not been enrolled with another tribe.