Page:Constitution of the Sac and Fox Nation.pdf/12

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Elmer Manatowa, Principal Chief
Sac and Fox Nation
Route 2, Box 246
Stroud, Oklahoma 74079

Dear Chief Manatowa:

On December 28, 1991, a Secretarial Election was conducted to let the registered voters of the Sac and Fox Nation vote to accept or reject proposed amendment 1A to its Constitution and Bylaws. The voters duly adopted the proposed amendment by a vote of 163 to 72. The certification of the results of the election were forwarded to the Anadarko Area Office on January 7, 1992.

On January 10, 1992, the Area Director approved the amendment, which has been assigned Amendment No. III. Enclosed are copies of the following:

  1. The original of the Area Director's approval letter,
  2. The original of the amendment and completed Certificate of Results of Election, and
  3. The original of the Certificate of Approval for Amendment III.

Previously, you were sent the original May 14, 1991, authorization letter to conduct the election. We will forward under separate cover the list of qualified voters used for the purpose of this election.

If you have any question, please contact Terry Bruner, Anadarko Area Tribal Government Services Officer, (405)247-6674 ext. 209.


A personal signature appears here

Acting Superintendent
