Page:Constitution of the Sac and Fox Nation.pdf/17

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I, L. W. Collier, Jr., Area Director, Anadarko Area Office, Secretary of Interior by the Act of the authority granted to the P.L. 100-581, which was delegated to the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs by 209 DM 8.3 and redelegated to me by 10 BIAM 3.1, do hereby approve and foregoing amendment No. III to the constitution and Bylaws of the Sac and Fox Nation of Oklahoma. This amendment was duly adopted by a majority of the qualified voters who cast ballots in the December 28, 1991 election.

A personal signature appears here

Area Director
Anadarko Area Office
Bureau of Indian Affairs
P. O. Box 368
Anadarko, OK 73005

Date: JAN 10 1992