Page:Constitution of the Sac and Fox Nation.pdf/3

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c. The Secretary shall correctly record the proceedings of all meetings. He shall make out the order of business for the Principal Chief, shall notify all committees of their appointments, shall have custody of the records and all papers of the Governing Council, which records and papers shall be open to inspection in his presence at reasonable times, by any member of the Governing Council desiring to read them. He shall keep a correct list of all members of the Governing Council and the tribe, shall authenticate all actions of the Principal Chief and Second Chief, shall call the meeting to order until a Chairman pro tempore is selected. He shall render a written report at the annual meeting and at the expiration of his term of office. Upon his death, resignation, expiration of term, or removal from office, the records and all papers in his possession shall be turned over to his successor. He shall issue notice of all meetings and conduct general correspondence, as directed by the Governing Council or the Business Committee.
d. The Treasurer shall receive all monies and other assets of the tribe and keep all tribal monies entrusted to his care in one or more special accounts and all disbursements therefrom shall be made pursuant to resolution or ordinance of the Business Committee with two approved signatures on each check. At any time that such an account shall amount to more than $50.00, he shall file a bond satisfactory to the Business Committee and the Governing Council. The cost of such bond shall be paid out of tribal monies. He shall render a certified written report at the annual meeting and at the expiration of his term of office. Upon his death, resignation, expiration of term or removal from office, the records and all papers in his possession shall be turned over to his successor.

SECTION 2. The Business Committee shall have power to appoint subordinate committee and representatives, to transact business and otherwise speak or act on behalf of the tribe in all matters on which the tribe is empowered to act now or in the future and to hire and employ legal counsel to represent the tribe, the choice of counsel and fixing of fees to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior or his authorized representative, as long as such approval is required, provided that, the Governing Council shall have a veto power after actions by the Business Committee; provided further that, such veto power shall only be binding upon the Business Committee by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Governing Council.


SECTION 1. There shall be a Grievance Committee which shall consist of three (3) members of the Governing Council who shall be elected by secret ballot.

SECTION 2. The Grievance Committee, under such procedures as shall be provided by the Governing Council, shall hear complains of misconduct in office by members of the Business Committee and upon a showing of probable cause that misconduct in office has occurred, shall call a special meeting of the Governing Council to act upon such complaints and shall undertake such other duties as it may be assigned by tribal law.

SECTION 3. The Governing Council shall have power, by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote by secret ballot taken after giving the accused a hearing, to remove him from office. The Chairman of the Grievance Committee shall preside at all meetings of the Governing Council called by the Grievance Committee for the purpose of considering the removal of a Business Committee member.