Page:Convention on International Civil Aviation - 1944.djvu/10

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into or exit from its territory of any aircraft of a contracting State or persons or property thereon.

Article 16

Search of aircraft The appropriate authorities of each of the contracting States shall have the right, without unreasonable delay, to search aircraft of the other contracting States on landing or departure, and to inspect the certificates and other documents prescribed by this Convention.



Article 17

Nationality of aircraft Aircraft have the nationality of the State in which they are registered.

Article 18

Dual registration An aircraft cannot be validly registered in more than one State, but its registration may be changed from one State to another.

Article 19

National laws governing registration The registration or transfer of registration of aircraft in any contracting State shall be made in accordance with its laws and regulations.

Article 20

Display of marks Every aircraft engaged in international air navigation shall bear 1ts appropriate nationality and registration marks.