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Reprinted as at 4 August 1965
Cook Islands Constitution Act 1964

faithfully carry out my duties as a member of the House of Arikis of the Cook Islands. So help me God.

Schedule Article 10: substituted, on 4 August 1965, by section 2(1) of the Cook Islands Constitution Amendment Act 1965 (1965 No 2).

11 Attendance of Premier and other persons at House of Arikis

(1) The Premier may, at any time, attend and address the House of Arikis.

(2) A Minister or a person appointed in that behalf by a Minister may attend the proceedings of the House of Arikis when any matter for which the Minister is responsible is under consideration by the House.

(3) The presiding member of the House of Arikis, when in his opinion any matter before the House makes it desirable, may invite any member of the Legislative Assembly to attend meetings of the House relating to that matter.

(4) A person attending the proceedings of the House of Arikis by virtue of the provisions of subclause (2) or subclause (3) of this Article shall be entitled to take part in the proceedings of the House relating to the matter for which the Minister has responsibility or in respect of which he was invited to attend, as the case may be, is if he were a member of the House:

Provided that he shall not be entitled to vote in the House or any of its committees.

Schedule Article 11: substituted, on 4 August 1965, by section 2(1) of the Cook Islands Constitution Amendment Act 1965 (1965 No 2).

11A Procedure

(1) The House of Arikis shall be presided over by one of its members, who shall be elected by the members of the House in the manner prescribed by law and shall hold office for such period and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by law.

(2) The House of Arikis shall meet in Rarotonga at such times as may be prescribed by law:

Provided that the House of Arikis shall meet at least once in every period of twelve months.

(3) Meetings of the House of Arikis shall be summoned by the High Commissioner, acting on the advice of the Premier.

(4) No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the House of Arikis if the number of members present is less than eight.

(5) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution and to the provisions of any law, the House of Arikis may from time to time make, amend, and repeal Standing Orders for the regulation and orderly conduct of its proceedings and the despatch of business.

(6) Subject to the provisions of this Article and to the provisions of any law, the House of Arikis shall determine its own procedure.