Page:Copy of a letter, written by the Rev. Mr. William Barlas.pdf/6

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gaged in it, I have not prospered; it will deprive me of reason, and life itself, and sink me into hell for ever." This Nelly Mackie told repeatedly to Sophia Seaton and others. Oh, inconceivable wickedness! At any rate, before she died, she was a terror to herself, and all around; often in extreme despair did she cry out, that she had ruined Whitehill, and removed the gospel: you have done that effectually. Awful was her screeching and roaring, at James Clark's and many, other places; her horror was inexpressible; and her death awful!!! I am greatly mistaken if yours, sooner or later, be not as ill; your day is fast coming; it will come, it will come: should they join hand in hand, and do their utmost, the whole world cannot keep such a sinner and monster of iniquity as you from Divine vengeance. Besides all the other parts of your dreadful load of guilt, you have a share,—no small share,—of Margaret Mackie's blood on your head and though she is first dead, when your turn come she will have a share of yours. You may keep up a while; sentence is not always speedily executed against an evil work, but always certainly; God will not be mocked. True, it is the glory of the gospel which (illegible text) preached to you, that it offereth salvation to the chief of sinners; but that salvation, though long in your offer, you have utterly despised, and that gospel, which offers it, you have tried to ruin. Well I settled the terms with you at Craigdam, and took High witnesses if you have forgot them, God will put you in mind of them; they are as follows: I solemnly engaged to take all the bad effects and consequenees which had followed or which would follow, on myself, and be accountable for them, and entirely free you, if I had either the least knowledge of your guilt, or that you was with child, or that I was the father, but if I was innoccnt, injured, and falsely accused, I solemnly laid all the blame on you, and left you to answer for all the